Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/507

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Thigh, oath on the, 2ig

Thirlestane : ballad of Auld Mait- land, 192-7

Thirteen : in laying ghosts, Kennet Valley, 429

Thistle : rhyme for use when blow- ing seed, China, 109

Thlinket tribe : ancestors reborn. 355 : totemism, 355

Thomas, N. W., notes to Malay Spiritualism, 135, 146-50, 156-7 ; short notice by, Petsch's Foriiicl- hafte Schliissc it/i Volks-Mdrcken, 1 10 ; suggestion as to totemism discussed, 364-6 ; Yew Wood, 96

Thomson river (Aus. ) : (see a/.f^Birria tribe) ; supernatural beings of tribes,

19 Thorn, charm for wound from, Kennet Valley, 426, St. Briavel's,

173 Thorn-back mudfish : prickle used in

divination, Penang, 143 Thousand and One Nights, see

Arabian Nights Three in folklore : souls, Toradjas,


Threshold : bride lifted over, 238-42 ; burial of cat &c. under destroys luck, 239 ; leaping over is insult, 239 ; sacred place, 239

Thumb : polong or evil spirit enters by, Malays, 149 ; wound not touched with, Hebrides, 31

Thunder : at funeral, ill omen, St. Briavel's, 172; god of, Bahkunjy tribe, 19 ; Thursday perhaps sacred to Thunderer among Celts, 41

Thursday : perhaps sacred to Thun- derer among Celts, 41 ; saying when Beltane falls on, Hebrides, 41

Tibberton : place rhymes, 391-3

Tides regulated through moon by Madjuit-madjuit, Larrakia tribe, 18

Tiger : as ancestor, Sumatra, 366 ; on banner of Baloches, 259; charms, imitations of teeth and claws as, 338 : folktale of the tiger prince, S. India, 79-83 ; " tiger's sons " name of Balochi tribe, 259 ; as village sobriquet, 386 ; wer-tigers. Malays, 157 ; worshipped, Sumatra, 366

Time of day, estimation of, in He- brides, 38

Tinnevelly : fire-walking, 90

Tirich Mir (Chitral), mountain abode of fairies, 183-4

Toad : nickname for Jersey islanders, 396

Tochar : idiot cannot be drowned, 62

Toes : nails, see Nails, toe ; nursery rhymes when counting. China, 108

Togail Bruidne Da Derga, the tale of. 327-30, 333

Toledo : the devil teaches nigromancy at. 120 ; The Letter of Toledo, by M. Caster, 114-34

Tombs, sec Graves

Tona or animal self-chosen at birth, Zapotecs, 360

Tongue : magic properties of, 150 ; pelesit or precursor of evil spirit developed from, 150

Toothache, preventives and cures for, St. Briavel's, 173, Bloemfontein, 182

Toradjas : head-hunting, 437 ; soul three-fold, 437

Torres Straits : collection of folklore, 31 1 -12 ; Haddon's Hcad-Hjintets, Black, White, and Brown re- viewed, 101-3 ; totemism, 394

Torrowotto, sec Milya-uppa tribe

Totemism : Australians, 314-23, 347, 354-5, 362-3, 377, 394, 398-402 : Baloches, 259 ; clan totems, 348-9, 365 : Ireland, 329 ; The Origin of Totem Names and Beliefs, by A. Lang, 339, 347-91, discussed, 391-7 : personal totems, 348-9, 360, 364-6, 393 ; in relation to religion, 354-5 ; sex totems, 348, 360, 362 ; Thlinket. 355-6 ; Torres Straits, 102-3 j views discussed of Miss A. Fletcher, 367-8, J. G. Frazer, 348-9, 359-64, Dr. Had- don, 372-5, Hill-Tout, 36S-9, Hose and McDougall, 369-72, Max Miiller, 358, Herbert Spencer, 35S-9, N. W. Thomas, 364-6, and Dr. Wilken, 366-7 ; the word totem, first use of, 347-8, proposed restriction of use of, 349-52

Touaregs, folklore of, 284-8

Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland, by W. G. Wood-Martin, reviewed, 323-7

Tradition and historic myths in their relation to history, discussed by A. Nutt, 84-7

Transvaal, see Belfast; Boer ; Heidel- berg ; Klerksdorp : Krugersdorp ;