Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/510

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Hebrides, 32 ; in women unlucky, Hebrides, 32

Whitby : abbess Hilda, 215 ; The Vessel Cup. by E. Lovett and E. W. Clarke, 3, 94-6

Whitebrook : witchcraft at, 175-6

White animals, sec Cat ; Dog ; Fowls ; and Goat

White : dress of Lhiannan-Shee, Isle of Man, 187

White line round room to exclude evil spirits, St. Briavel's, 172

Whilhern : St. Ninian, 217

Whit Sunday : bread and cheese scrambled for, St. Briavel's, 175

\Vhittingham : " petting" stone rite, 227-8

Widgeon : good omen, Hebrides, 49

Whooping-cough : charms for, Heb- rides, 57 ; cure for, Kennet Valley, 423, St. Briavel's, 172 ; getting advice for, St. Briavel's, 172

Wild cat, see Cat

Will-o'-the-Wisp : in Hebrides, 43 ; origin of " apparitions," 221-2

Willov/ : wands of as offerings and emblems, Ainu, 25

Wiltshire : (^see also Salisbury) ; bride's feet must not touch thresh- old, 241-2

Wiluma country, in Vaurorka folk- tale, 410-1

Wimborne : St. Cuthberga, 215

Winchester : Ss. Swithin, Grimbald, Edilha, and Wulstan, 216

Wind : (^see also Storms : aud Whirl- wind) ; called up by whistling, Hebrides, 32 ; direction on New Year's Day omen for year, Heb- rides, 40 ; east, name of, Heb- rides, 38 ; god of, Bahkunjy tribe, 19 ; pigs smell, St. Briavel's, 172

Witchcraft : (^see also Witches ; aiid Wizards) ; Beltane cheese protects milk &c. , Hebrides, 41 ; 'bogle' charm against, Cawdor, z"] i,.{platey, Cottington Hill, 427 : egg-shells witches' boats, Holland, &c., 431 ; hair of firstborn useful in, Punjab, 278 ; Kennet Valley, 424-8 ; Norfolk, 431 ; remnants of sacrifice used for, N.W. India, 18S ; St. Briavel's, 175-6 ; Pulling's The Siti of Witchcraft reviewed, 448 ; witch's ladder, Somerset, 301 ;

Witches : among Baloches, 264-5 J buried alive, S. Berks., 427 ;

cause wrecks by agitating eggs in pail, Norfolk, 431 ; drawing blood from, Berkshire, 425, Oxfordshire, 290 ; how to become, Baloches, 265, St. Briavel's, 175 ; pass through keyholes, Kennet Valley, 428 ; revenge refusals. Barton, 290, St. Briavel's, 175, Tetsworth, 201-2 ; ride liansformed men, Kennet Valley, 424-5 ; shape- shifting by, Kennet Valley, 424-8, Kirtlington 289, Newnham Murren, 289-90, St. Briavel's, 175; shot at with peas, Kennet Valley, 428 ; tests for, Berkshire, 237, 425, St. Briavel's, 175 ; unlucky to give or refuse bread to, Berkshire, 426-7 Witchetty grub : totem, Australia, 3S5 Witney : harvest custom, 180 Wives : {see also Marriage customs and beliefs) ; first sees apparition of successor, Hebrides, 60 ; know- ledgeof early tribal rites, 100: names for wife who bears no child, Punjab, 280 ; second in danger from spirit of first, Bengal, 2S3 ; second suffers "dead man's nip," Hebrides, 59 ; tatooed with marks of hus- band's ancestors, Bonabe, 208 Wizards : druids, Ireland, 324-5 ;

Kennet Valley, 42S Wodi-wodi tribe : ' God ' derived

from ' sky,' 19 Wolf: {see also Werwolf) ; Balochi name, 272 ; in folktale. Outer Hebrides, 34 ; group name. Man- dans, 390 ; wolf-hero of Athens,

379 ' .

Woeworung tribe : myth of origin of totemism, 355, 379

Wolkadras, see Churingas

Woma, see Snake (carpet)

Women : {see also Marriage customs and beliefs ; Mother - right ; Witches ; and Wives) ; among Baloches, 266-8, 270- 1 ; beaten at rice harvest, 277-8 ; cause injury by stepping over poles &c. , 237-8;

■ female, sign for the, 441 ; fish trap dressed as woman in spiritualist performance, Malays, 140 ; girl baby in dream, omens from, Heb- rides, 51 ; girl if firstborn very ill- omened, Punjab, 279 : girl pre- ceding and following boy lucky, Punjab, 280 ; middle of three successive girls unlucky, Punjab,