Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/529

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Davey (Samuel). The letters of Lady Marj' Wortley Montagu. Roij. Soc. Liter. 2nd ser. xxii. 265-298.

The letters and prose writings of Robert Burns. lioy. tSoc.

Liter. 2nd S. xxiii. 19-41.

Davies (Rev. J. Silvester). The manor and church of Great Clml-

field. Bristol and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxiii. 193-261. Davies (W.). Notes on Kingsbridge documents, etc. Dev. Assoc

xxxiii. 651-656. Davis (Cecil T.). Zoology on brasses chiefly from Gloucestershire

examples. Brit. Arch. A.'isoc. N.S. vii. 189-204. Dawkins (Prof. Boyd). On the cairn and sepulchral cave at Gop.

near Pi'estatyn. Arch. Jonvn. Iviii. 322-341. Dawson (Charles\ The service of the barons of the cinque ports

at the coronation of the kings and queens of England and

the presidenc}^ of Hastings port. Sussex Arch. Coll. xliv.


Note on two objects of the bronze age found in Sussex.

Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xviii. 409-411.

Dean (John). The ancient lords of Middleton. Lane and Chcsh.

Antiq. Soc. xvi. 102-133. Delattre (A. J.). Quelques lettres Assyrieunes. Soc. Bihl. Arch.

xxiii. 50-71, 331-359. Dickinson (Rev. F. B.\ The early register of the parish of Fen

Ottery, 1596-1680. Dev. Assoc, xxxiii. 336-362. DiTCHFiELD (Rev. p. H.). History of Faringdon. Berks, Bucks,

and Oxon. Arch. Jonrn. N.S. vii. 78-82. Drew (Sir Thomas). Discoveries at St. Patrick s cathedral. Roy.

Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. xi. 293-296. Drinkwater (Rev. C. H.). A foiirteenth century roll of names

preserved among the Shrewsbury gild merchant rolls. Shrop- shire Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 119-124.

Two Shrewsbuiy bui'gess rolls temp. Henry III. ShrojJ-

shire Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 125-134.

A glossary of some difficult or obsolete words found in the

first series. Shrojjshive Arch. Soc. 3rd S. i. 373-406. Drltmmond (R. J., M.D.). The rice harvest in Ceylon. Folklore,

xii. 457-458. DuxCAN (James Dalrymple). The chateau of St. Fargeau.

Glasgoic Arch. Soc. N.S. iv. 406-439. DuTT (Professor Romesh). Ramayana : the odyssey of ancient India.

Roy. Soc. Liter, xxii. 95-132.