Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/542

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MacDonald (Kev. James). Fauus and fairies. Gaelic Soc. Inver- ness, xxi. 265-289. McDougall (W.) and Charles Hose. The relations between men

and animals in Sarawak. Antlirop. Inst. N.S. iv. 173-213. Mackay (John). Sutherland place names. Gaelic Soc. Inverness,

XX. 103-125, 316-332. Mackay (Rev. Neil). The influence of the Norse invasion on the

language and literature of the Scottish Highlands. Gaelic Soc.

Inverness, xx. 78-103. Mackenzie (Alexander). Mairi Nighean Alastair, Rory Mor's cup

and horn and unpublished Macleod traditions. Gaelic Soc. In- verness, xxii. 43-67. Mackenzie (Rev. J. B.). Notice of two stone axes, one ornamented

with an incised interlaced pattern, found at Balnahanuait, Loch

Tay. Soc. Antiq. Scot. xxxv. 310-313. MacKinley (William E. W.). Memorandum on the languages

of the Philippines. Arthrop. Inst. N.S. iv. 214-218. Macleod (Neil). Beagan Dhuilleag bho Sheann Bhardachd Eilean-

a'-cheo. Gaelic Soc. Inverness, xxi. 171-186. Macnamara (Dr. Geo. U.). Inchiquin, co. Clare. Royal Soc.

Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. xi. 204-227. Macpherson (Alex). Grleanings from the charter chest at Cluny

castle. Gaelic Soc. Inverness, xx. 201-248 ; xxi. 391-452. Macritchie (David). Mound-dwellings and mound-dwellers.

Glasgow Arch. Soc. N.S. iv. 179-194. An additional note on St. Patrick's purgatory. Roy.

Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. xi. 85-86. Macrury (Rev. John), Briathran nan daoine 'dh' fhalbh. Gaelic

Soc. Inverness, xx. 141-151. Seana Bheachdan agus Seana Chleachdaidhean. Gaelic

Soc. Inverness, xxi. 369-379 ; xxii. 125-140. Maddock (Rev. Canon H. E.). Court rolls of Patrington manors.

East Riding Antiq. Soc. viii. 10-35. Malden (H. E.). The shell keep at Gruildford castle. Surrey Arch.

Soc. xvi. 28-34. Manley (Rev. F. H.). Notes on the history of Great Somerford.

Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxxi. 283-330. Manning (Percy). New Ross fair. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland,

5th S. xi. 179. March (H. Colley). Customs relating to iron. Folklore, xii. 340-
