Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/588

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Andrews (R. T.). rurueaux Pelhain. Eaat Herts Arch. Soc. i. 139-

151. Eomau pottery, Eaihvay Street, Hertford. East Herts

Arch. Soc. i. 184. Roman ciuerarv urn. AVest Hill, Hocldesdon. East Herts

Arch. Soc. i. 184-185. Roman remains found on the site of Messrs. Allen and

Hanbury's factory at Bury Field, AVare. East Herts Arch. Soc. i. 187-190.

Seventeenth century token. Ware. East Herts Arch. Soc.

i. 191. Andrews (Wm. Frampton). The topographical collections of a

Hertfordshire archaeologist. East Herts Arch. Soc. i. 159-1(37. The recently discovered brass at Stanstead Abbotts.

East Herts Arch. Soc. i. 194. ArmitaCtE (Mrs. E. S.). Anglo-Saxon burhs and early Norman

castles. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotl. xxxiv. 260-288. Arnold (A. A.). The chancellors of the diocese of Rochester. Arch.

Cant. xxiv. 160-174. AsTLEY (Rev. H. J. Dukinfield). On ornaments of jet and cannel

coal, on cup-and-ring markings, and on slate weapons, as charac- teristic of the neolithic age. Brit. Arch. Assoc. N.S. vi.

164-188. Atchley (E. Ct. C. F.). The hood as an ornament of the minister at

the time of his ministrations in quire and elsewhere. St. PauVs

Ecclesiol. Soc. iv. 313-328. Auden (Miss). Inventories of the church goods of Shropshire

temp. Edward vi. Shroj}. Arch. Soc. 2nd S. xii. 84-112. Axon (W. E. A.). Tullia d'Aragona a poetess of the later renaissance.

Royal Soc. Lit. 2nd S. xxi. 97-115. On a reference to the evil eye in the Anglo-Saxon poem of

Beowulf. Royal Soc. Lit. 2ud S. xxi. 117-119. B. (H.). The protection of ancient monuments. Anthrop. Inst.

N.S. ii. 317. B. (J.). Englishmen and Romans. Anthrop. Inst. N.S. i. 343. Baddeley (St. Clair). Richard, Earl of Cornwall, and Henry of

Almaine, 1209-1272. Bristol .and Glouc. Arch. Soc. xxii. 86-

114. Baildon (W. Paley). a sixteenth-century^ leaden charm found at

Lincoln's Inn. Proc. Soc. Anticf. 2nd S. xviii. 141-147. Bailey (J. B. i. Lost and re-found Rouuui altars with a note on a