Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/614

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Offord (Joseph). Phoenician inscripTion at CTveenock. lHh. Arch.

Soc. xxii. 114-115. Notes on the geography of Phrenician inscriptions. Bih.

Arrh. Soc. xxii. 120-121. Report, Congres International d'Histoire des Religions.

Bib. Arch. Snc. xxii. 281-285.

Prgefecti iEgypti. Bib. Arch. Soc. xxii. 372-374.

O'Haxlon (John, Canon). Napoleon III. and Barry O'Meara's

family. Not/. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. x. 91-92. 0.\£AN (C). Unpublished or rare coins of Smyrna in the Bodleian

cabinet. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xx. 203-208. O'Neill (William). Derby china. Assoc. Arch it. Soc. ^x.\.V^^\4:0. O'Reilly (J. P.). The Milesian colonization considered in relation to

gold mining. Roij. IrisJi. Accal. 3rd S. vi. 30-78. O'Reilly (Patrick J.). The site of Columb's monastery on lona.

Boy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. x. 334-342. O^VEN (Edavard). The bells of the priorj^ churches of Abergavenny

and Brecon. Arch. Ccuvb. 5th S. xvii. 294-298. P. (F. T.). The life index. Folk-Lorc, xi. 436. Parker (F. H. M.). The Parkers of Old Town, with some notes on

the Branthwaites of Carlingill and the Birkbecks of Orton Hall.

Climb, and Wc.^t. Antiq. Soc. xvi. 104-116. Parker (John). The Giflfards. Records of Bucks, viii. 289-308. Paton (W. R.). Folk-tales from the ^gean. Folk-Lore, xi. 113-119,

333-344, 452-456.

Month-names. Folk-Lore, xi. 209.

Folk-lore from Calymnos. Folk-Lore, xi. 221.

Medical superstition — shakes. Folk-Lore, xi. 321.

A fairy dog's tooth. Folk-Lore, xi. 450-452.

Cropping animals' ears. Folk-Lore, xi. 456-457.

Payne (George). Report on finds in Kent. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xviii. 34-44, 73-87; Arch. Cant. xxiv. li.-lx.

Celtic interments discovered at Shorne. Arch. Cant. xxiv.


Mediaeval crypts at Rochester Arch. Cant. xxiv. 220-224.

Peacock (Edward). Sunwise processions. Folk-Lore, xi. 220. Peacock (M.). More snake-lore. .Folk-Lore, xi. 321.

The bumble-bee in magic. Folk-Lore, xi. 438,

Pearce (E. K.). Welton farmhouse, Blairgowrie. Folk-Lore, xi. 21 1. Pearman (Rev. M. T.). Notices of Checkenden rectory. Oxfords. Arch. Soc. 1898, 1-11.