Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/622

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White \;Jamesj. The old lands of Partick and the mill thereof.

GJasgotc Ai-r/i. Sor. N.S. iv, 23-37. Whyte (E. Towky). Egyptian models of fish ; Egyptian camp stool.

Bib. Arch. Sor. xxii. IKi-llT. Wiedemann (Prof. Dr. A.i. A mythological-geographical te.xt.

Bih. Anil. Sor. xxii. 155-160. Wii.LiAJis ( de Courcyi. Bronze brooch, Darrow. Roy.

Soc. Anti(/. Ireland., 5th S. x. 371. WiLLis-BuND (J. W. 1. Notes on documents belonging to the parish

of Feckenham, Woi-cestershire. Prnc. Sor. Anfiq. 2nd S. xviii.

19-21. Wilson (CtEOrge Maryon). The manor of Hampstead : a sketch of

copyholds. Hampstead Anfiij. and HUf. Soc. 18!»!». 43-58. Wiltshire Ar( ■h.eologk'al Society's MSS. Wilts Arrli. and Nat.

Hist. Soc. xxxi. 4fM)8: 135-19(). Windeatt(Ed\yardi. Totnes: its mayors and mayoralties, 1827-76.

Devon. Assoc, xxxii. 111-141. The muniments of the corporation of Totnes. Part I.

Devon. Assor. xxxii. 400-406. Early iionconformit}^ in Totnes. Dtrnu. .Innoc. xxxii.

412-430. The M.P.'s for the borough of Totnes. Deron. Assoc, xxxii.

431-453. Windeatt (T. \V. i. Notes on Totnes trained bands and volunteers.

Deron. Ass<n-. xxxii. 93-105. Admiral Sir Frederick Thomas Mitchell, K.C.B. Deron.

Assor. xxxii. 390-399. WiNsTONE (B.). Remarks on two medals, and the political struggle

that occasioned their being issued. Britisli Arr/i. As!<o<\ N.S. vi.

227-240. WoiiDRUFF (Re\-. 0. E.). Notes on formei- o\vners of Ightham Mote

house. .[)'r/i. Cant. xxiv. 195-200. W<»«iLnvARu (Miss M. E.i. Notes on the Swahili section of Lieut. -

Colonel MacDouald's vocabulaxy. AntJirojj. Inst. N.S. ii. 250. Worth (R. H.i. Nineteenth report of the barrow committee. Deron

-Ift-.sor. xxxii. 46-54. Wright (E. Perceval, M.D. I. On the bell of Kilmainham. Hoij.

Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. x. 40-43. Wright (Rev. \V. H. T.i. Notes on the parishes and churches of

Eastleach Martin and Eastleach Turville. Bristol and Glonc.

Arch. Soc. xxii. 115-120.