Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 13, 1902.djvu/76

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64 Unlucky Children.

Thus in the South-west Punjab on the borders of Sindh the former superstition prevails ; and its results are thus described : " Trikhal is the third conception after two births (without regard to the sexes of the former children). It is a Jatki word, literally meaning third, and implies contempt. This conception is considered unlucky among Hindus, especially in Jampur. Every effort is made to effect abortion, and many cases of abortion take place. It is suspected that the third child is killed at birth if the attempts to cause the abortion have failed. Dread of the law prevents any attempt to kill the child when it has sur- vived its birth."

This, however, appears to be a local variant, as the other superstition is far more prevalent ; and its effects, and the measures taken to avert them, are thus described by an intelligent Punjab official :

" A child of one sex born after three children of the other sex is called, in Punjabi, Trikhal, as for example, a boy born after three girls. Such a child is considered unlucky, and its birth portends —

(i) the death of a parent ;

(2) loss of wealth by the parents ;

(3) the taking fire of the house in which the child was

born ; or (4) some other calamity, such as lightning or snake- bite. " If this child grows up without the parents suffering any injury, and is taller than the parents, they are benefited in- stead of injured by the birth, i.e. their lives are prolonged, or, if poor, they become rich, and are protected against all misfortunes.

" Many Hindus believe that the children born after a Trikhal cannot live long.

" The following remedies are adopted at the birth of such a child, to avert the evil effects of the birth :

(i) The father pours a quantity of ^)ii down the gutter