Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 15, 1904.djvu/526

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Dharma worship, Bengal, 223

Digo tribe : witch medicine, 72

Dikdik in folktale, Somalis, 324

Diocsesarea : coins, 308

Dione, myth of, 301

Dionysus : on coins, Tenedos, 284 : priestess of, Cos, 376 ; in story of Sithon, 381

Dioscuri, myth of, 434, 446

Diseases : caused by deity Njanibe, Congo, 327, evil spirits, E. Central Africa, 70, magic, 149, or wizard, mid England, 16 ; charms against, see Charms and spells ; exorcism of disease demons, 157 ; Jerusalem, 187-8 ; sick prayed for under dif- ferent names, Jews, 186, 193

Dius and Oxylus, contest of, 398-9

Divination : {see also Omens ; and Oracles) ; by Bible and key, Jamaica, 93 ; by cow and cake, Monmouthshire, 221 ; by dreams, Oropus, 272 ; by swinging ring, Jamaica, 93 ; by throwmg bones, Basutos, 246; origin of, 138, 164

Divining bolt, Tibet, 243

Divining rods : E. Central Africa, 70-1

Dodona: cult of oak Zeus, 415 ; doves at, 415; inscription from, 415; intermittent spring at, 275, 295 ; oak, piece of, inserted in Argo, 270, 424 ; oracle at, 275, 295, 422 ; Zeus the stream god, 269

Dog : black, evil spirit in shape of, Ireland, 337 ; black, ghost in shape of, Monmouthshire, 83-4 ; blood- hounds guard fort of Red Branch, 31 ; carcase spat on, Fifeshire, 98 ; bones of sacrificial ox not given to, Basutos, 257 ; in charm necklace, Yemen Jews, 191 ; in folktale, Somalis, 322 ; howls when sees duppy, Jamaica, 206, 214 ; name of warriors at battle of Cattraeth, 205 ; omens from, Jamaica, 90, 206, 21 1-2, 453 ; Orthros sometimes three-headed, 284; assun devourer, N. America, 366 ; three-headed hound of Serapis, 291 ; must not walk behind one at night, Jamaica, 208 ; water from eye enables to see duppies, Jamaica, 208

Dog Spirit, The, Irish folktale, 337-8

Doliche : Jupiter Dolichenus wor- shipped, 428

Dolls : as offerings, Basutos, 249

Dolma jan-k'u, Tibetan deity, 332

Dolphin : servant of Zeus, 269

Domhnall, Amazon of Alba, 34

Donkey : blue necklaces &c., Jeru- salem, 189 ; in charm against whooping cough, Ireland, 460 ; in folktale, Ireland, 337-8 ; nickname of Guernsey man, 123 ; parish nick- name, Guernsey, 123 ; lucky from cross on back, Ireland, 338

Doss in Irish bardic schools, 15

Dotium : names of clan and king at, 289

Dove : associated with saint, Morocco, 367 ; at Dodona, 415 ; omen from, Jamaica, 451 ; sacred to Zeus Amnion, 295 : white, released at Epiphany, Crete and Greece, 214

Dove river : bull-running connected with, Tutbur}'. 199

Dragon : in folktale, Somalis, 319 ; Garafena guards sun, Russia, 293 ; as sun-devourer, Asia, 366

Drake, see Duck

Drama, Folk, see Folk-drama

Dreams : animals seen in, Jamaica, 211 ; metals seen in, Jamaica, 211, 456 ; omens from, Greece, 281, Jamaica, 21 1-2, 456; oracular, Oropus, 272; trees in, Jamaica, 212

Drinking, blessing at, Jerusalem, 1 87

Drinking from pot at early age pre- vents beard, Jamaica, 213

Drisac in Irish bardic schools, 14

Drone, see Bee

Drowning : body at bottom six weeks, Fifeshire, 97 ; how two sexes float, Fifeshire, 97

Druids : Cathbad, 26-7, 29-30 ; Gaul, 12-4; Ireland, 15-7, 26-7; Levar- cham, 33-4

Drum : skull, Tibet, 243, 333-4 {plate')

Drumconrath : wise woman makes butter come, 458

Dryas, father of Munichus, 389

Drj'as, suitor of Pallene, 381

Dryope, myth of, 418

Dryops, eponym of Dryopes, 386

Dryops, King, see King Dryops

Dublin county, see Howth

Duck : feather in dress of chief poet, Ireland, 15; in story of Deirdre, 38 ; wild, witch takes shape of, Guernsey, 123

Dugong : fishmg ceremonies, Torres Straits, 357-8