Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/390

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340 Collectanea.

for catching ghosts. He placed it at the door of the room, but the ghost evaded the trap, and pinched him unmercifully. However she never more appeared to him, being afraid of the bag.

T. H. Thomas. 45 The Walk, Cardiff.

Additions to "The Games of Argyleshire." ( Continjied fro?)i page 221.)


(P. 134, after line 18.) Hop and Bar the Door.

Is a sort of general " Hoppy." Opposing parties are formed, dens for each side are defined by a straight line drawn on either side of a neutral ground from seven to ten paces apart. The players from both sides hop on the debatable land, jostling each other, endeavouring to make their opponents drop their feet, or to drive them into the den of the conqueror. If one of the players lets his foot drop he has to sit down on the spot and remains there for the rest of the game; those driven into the conqueror's territory become members of the conqueror's party. The game goes on till all of one side have been put out of action in one of these manners.


Is related to "Cutting the Cheese" All the players' bonnets are placed in a row on the ground, a small space being left between them. The leader hops on the same leg over each bonnet from one end of the row to the other and back again, landing in the space between the bonnets. He repeats this, but hopping over each in a zig-zag direction, all of course without touching a bonnet or dropping the other foot. He