Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/538

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480 Reviews.

Professor Ray Lankester for daring to speak of telepathy as a

  • ■'■ thing " (does Mr. Thomas contend that it is a person ?), and

when Dr. Lang confesses beUef that there is evidence (ingathered, it is presumed, by the Society for Psychical Research) in support of the survival of human personality, the uneasy feeling arises that both of them are in the movement which arrests the explana- tion of the occult on scientific lines.

Mind is greater than consciousness; its depths no plummet has sounded, but its abnormal workings indicate that what man seeks after in the heavens lies within him. Mr. Thomas closes his book with the announcement that " crystals can be obtained of the Society for Psychical Research, 20 Hanover Square, to whose care reports of crystal-gazing may be consigned" to him. It is not easy to reconcile his statement that " the crystal is apt to anticipate events " with the assurance that " moderate indulgence in the sport is no more harmful than an after-dinner snooze." Sport, indeed !

Thought-Transference, by the same author and from the same publisher, has also reached us ; but while the treatise on Crystal- gazing may be useful to the student as a collection of evidence relating to a very old and widespread form of divination, its companion volume lies entirely outside our scope.

Edward Clodd.

Votive Weihegaben des Katholischen Volks in Sijddeutsch- LAND. EiN Beitrag zur Volkskunde. Von Richard Andree. Mit 38 Abbildungen im Text, 140 Abbildungen auf 32 Tafeln, und 2 Farbendrucktafeln. Braunschweig : Vieweg und Sohn. 1904. 12 marks paper, 13.50 cloth.

The first chapter of this monograph gives a brief sketch of the practice of dedicating offerings in antiquity, amongst the Egyp- tians, Greeks, Romans, and Jews : a very brief sketch, the least satisfactory part of the book. A single reference for Egypt to