Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/560

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Bunjil, Australian god, 103-5, 222

Bunzi (sacred grove) : leopard skins as rain charm, 391 ; taboos, 398

Bu Ragrag river : straw hut burnt on, midsummer, Morocco, 31

Burbage : maypole rite, 461

Burial customs and beliefs, see Death and funeral customs and beliefs

Burial in Effigy, by Misses M. Pea- cock and C. S. Burne, 463-4

Burial, mock, Kent, 225

Burne, Miss C. S.: Burial in Effigy, 464 ; The Dancing-Towers in Italy, 462 ; The Mock Mayor of Heading- ton, 465 ; review by, — Sociological Papers: igo4, 119-22

Bury St. Edmund's : rue useful for catamenia, 139

Bush devils, see Forest spirits

Bushmen : antiquity of, 353 ; clans, 355 ; folklore of, 354 ; migration of,

353 Butter : stopped by witch. Wye

valley, 171 Buxton: maypole rite, 461-2

Cadney : mysterious smoke, 224-5 Caeculus, founder of Praeneste, 288,

295 Caelus, the god, Romans, 270 Caere : king Mezentius, 286 Caesars, the : bisellium of, 301 'Cagn, the mantis god, Bushmen, 354 Caithness-shire : {see also Keiss

Castle) ; game, 90 ; holed stones,

242 Cakes : funeral, Monmouthshire, 66 ;

offered to Nereids, Greeks, 21 ;

wheel-shaped, Romans, 272 Calcutta : Husain's tower in proces- sion, 257 Calendar folklore, see Days and

Seasons Calf: [see also QzXile); "rolling calf"

duppy, Jamaica, 70, 77 Caligula as Jupiter, 312-3 Calpurnia gens, coins of, 302 Cambridgeshire : A Cambridgeshire

Witch, by Miss H. L. F. Jennings,

187-90 ; Sympathy, by F. N. Webb,

337 Camel: in festival of "La Vara,"

Messina, 249 ; Nereid in shape of,

Crete, 22 Campagna, see Viterbo Campania : {see also Capua ; Hercu-

laneum ; Nola ; Pompeii ; and

Tifata, Mount) ; luvilas or heraldic columns, 307 ; symbols of Diana,


Campus Martius, see Rome

Canada : folk tales, 368

Candle burnt in grotto, St. James's Day, Leytonstone &c., 180-1

Canens the water nymph, 290

Capitol, Roman, see Rome

Capua, see Tifata, Mount

Cardiff : Castle Corrig cromlech, 339

Carinthia : fields and houses, 493

Carlingford : legend of Fin MacCoul, 186

Carmarthen : folktale, 337-9

Carmarthenshire, see Carmarthen ; Llanelly ; ajtd Towy river

Carpathian mountains, see Bojki ; Gorale ; Huculs ; and Lemki

Carus, emperor : on coin, 317

Casablanca : midsummer bonfire smoke good for eyes, 29

Casteldieri, tiles from, 281

Casteltermini : procession with tower, 256

Castle Corrig cromlech, 339

Castor and Pollux, see Dioscuri

Cat : burnt in bonfires, Europe, 46 ; in game, Perthshire, 86-7 ; omen from, Jamaica, 73 ; wild, burnt in midsummer fires, Morocco, 30, or to cure disease, Morocco, 46; wild, skin of, worn, Loango, 404

Catamenia promoted by rue, 138

Caterpillar : as token, Australia, 107

Catfish : spikes in sacred grove, Loango, 405

Cattle : {see also Calf; Cow ; a7td Ox) ; charms for, Beauly, 334-6, Caithness, 336 ; patrons of, S. Germany, 481 ; straw &c. burnt to protect, Morocco, 28

Cave paintings, Bushmen, 354

Celtic pantheon, 475

Centaur, in legend of Solomon, 418

Cephalonia : charm to destroy water- spout, 1 90- 1

Ceres : Cerus, counterpart of, 292 ; in festival of Santa Rosalia, Palermo, 250 ; one of Penates, 296 ; proces- sion of, 258

Ceri or dancing towers, Italy, 131, 242-5 {plates)

Cerus, counterpart of Ceres, 292

Chains hung round churches, S. Ger- many, 482.

Chairs, see Seats
