Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/563

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Craigie, W. A., review by, — Feil- berg's Jul: Allesjalestiden ; He- densk, Kristen Julefest, 366-7 Creator, beliefs about : Alljira, Aranda, 429-31 ; Angambi, Fan, 224 ; Mangarkunjurkunja, Aranda, 430 ; 'Ngai, Masai, 236 ; Nyambe, W. Africa, 112; Tonatana, Short- land islands, 115 Cress : seeds in cow medicine, Mo- rocco, 33 Cretan dittany : repels serpents, 138 Crete : folklore collected by Yanna-

rakis, 17; folktale, 21-2 Cricket : in folktale, Loango, 403-4 ; sacred, Sonio, 395 ; tabooed, Loango, 399 Crocodile : hunted, Loango, 399 ; in proverb, Loango, 403 ; sacred, Shortland islands, 116 ; scale in sacred grove, Loango, 399 ; sent by wizard to catch ghosts, Bavili, 373 ; as totem, Bantu, 232, 357, Shortland islands, 114; as wer- beast, Congo, 392-3 Cromlechs : Wales, 339 Cross : in charms, Val de Morgins, 466 ; Wales, 339 ; crux ansata, key as, 143 ; on door or road keeps off duppy, Jamaica, 70; the labarum, 319; sign of amongst Huculs, 50 Crow : in game, Barra island, 440 ; omens from, Jamaica, 71, 73 ; as totem, Australia, 107 Crown Prince mountains, as abode of

dead, 1 15 Crustacea in folklore, see Crab ; a7id

Lobster Crux ansata, see Cross Crystal-gazing: W. Africa, 1 12; Crystal- Gazing: Its History and Practice, with a Discussion of the Evidence for Telepathic Scrying, by N. W. Thomas, reviewed, 479-80 Cuchulainn sagas : ball game, 88 Cuckoo : in folktale, Bulgaria, 491 Cultes, Mythes, et Religions, by S.

keinach, reviewed, 475-6 Cupid and Psyche type of folktale, 24 Cursing, see Imprecations Cuscus, as totem, Shortland islands, 114 Cuthbert, St., see St. Cuthbert Cutting : unlucky, Jamaica, 69 Cutting a Waterspout, by J. G.

Piddington, 190- 1 Cwmcarvon : divination, Midsummer Eve, 65

Cybele, goddess, commemorated, Messina, 248

Cyclases, see Astypolaia ; Melos ; Naxos ; and Tenos

Cyclops legend : modern adaptation of, Zakynthos, 22 ; Sicily, 276 ; survival of, Athens, 22

Cyllene : charm to destroy water- spout, 191

Cyprus : amulet, 143 ; folklore col- lected by Sakellarios, 17 ; folktale, 24

Czeremosz, valley of, see Huculs

Dacians : Jupiter defends Romans from, 267

Daedalus, image of, 267

D'Aeth, F. G., St. James's Day and Grottoes, 1S0-2

Dagger : in cimaruta amulet, Naples, 146, 157

Danae legend : modern versions of, Astypolaia, 22-3, Tenos, 24

Dances: Bushmen, 354; Eskimo, 1 19; Nigeria, 435-7 ; Nola, 247 ; Pad- stow, 60; Pawnees, 1 17; Scotland, 208-10; Solomon islands, 114-5

Dancing-Tower Processions of Italy, The, by Mrs. A. Wherry, 131, 243-57 [plates)

Dancing-Towers of Italy, The, by Misses M. Peacock, A. Oldknow, and C. S. Burne, 461-2

Danelagh, The, 123-4

Daramulun, Australian deity, 103-6, no, 222-3

Dasius, martyrdom of, 324

Day-Father, Jupiter as, Italy, 261, 263

Days and Seasons : April, 32-3, 59-60, 316 ; August, 181, 248-9, 257, 332 ; Christmas, 366-7 ; Corpus Domini Festa, 244 ; December, 267, 295-S, 366-7 ; Easter, 5, 53-4, 182-4 ; Easter Eve, I S2-4 ; Easter Sunday, 53-4; February, 298, 330- 1 ; Fri- day, 65, 73, 81 ; Ides, Roman, 263, 332; January, 91, 155,210-6; July, 31, 54, 180-2, 250-1, 259, 328-30; June, 2, 27-47, 65, 250-1, 257, 285, 466; Kalends, Roman, 263, 316, 332 ; Larenlalia, 295-7, 297 ; Leap year, 72 ; Lent, 50 ; March, 327, 330 ; May, 56-60, 252-4, 259, 326-7, 330-1, 461-2; May Day, 56-60, 259, 461-2; May Eve, 59-60; Midnight, 65, 175 ; Midsummer, 2,