Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/580

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Native Races of South Africa, The, by G. W. Stow, reviewed, 353-8

Native Tribes of Central Australia, by Spencer and Gillen, 15

Native Tribes of South-East Australia, by A. W. Howitt, 15, reviewed, 101-9, 110

Naxia, see Naxos

Naxos: folktale, 24-5

Nebuchadnezzar, King, see King Nebuchadnezzar

Necklaces: Huculs, 54 (plate')'; Italy, 131

Negro folklore, see Africa; Jamaica; and United States of North America

Nehalennia, procession of, 258

Nemi, wood of: cults at, 288-93; rex Nemorensis, 288-93, 322-3, 327-8; separation of divine and human kingly offices, 291; temple property, 289-90

Neptune, see Poseidon

Nereids in Greek folklore, 21-2

Nero, emperor: as sun god, 317

Nerthus, procession of, 258-9

New Guinea: origin of aborigines of Australia and Tasmania, 101

New Year: (see also New Year's Day; and New Year's Eve); customs at, Morocco, 38, 40-2; divination at, Morocco, 38; eating ceremony, Morocco, 38

New Year's Day: festival, Highlands, 210-1; game, Argyllshire, 91; mumming play, Perthshire, 2IO-6

New Year's Eve: ceremonial meal, Morocco, 40-2

New Zealand, see Maoris

'Ngai, Masai deity, 236

Niambe, West African deity, 111-2

Nigeria: (see also Akwe; Asaba; Benin City; Bini tribe; Ifton; Ishan people; Owo; and Sobo); Notes from South Nigeria, by R. E. Dennett, 242, 434-9

Night: Jupiter Summanus, 273

Nightmare, cures for, see Medical folklore

Night spirits: Huculs, 50

Nimrod, King, see King Nimrod

Nine: in charm against rupture, Monmouthshire, 65; dead finally leave house on 9th night, Jamaica, 70, 74; duppies count only to, Jamaica, 70; game of nine holes, Argyllshire, 84; virtuous wells and springs, Trelleck, 166

Nitus, place for souls, Shortland islands, 115

Njála saga, 360

Njord, toast to, Iceland, 360

Nola: the "gigli" or lilies, and ship, 247-8 (plate), 258-9

Nones, Romans and Etruscans, 331-2

North America, see Canada; Greenland; Mexico; United States of North America; and West Indies

North Choiseul: totemism, 114

North Uist: game, 220

Northumberland: (see also Embleton); County Folklore, 9

Norway: Yule, 367

Nose: charm against bleeding of, St. Briavel's, 169-70; omen from, Jamaica, 75

Notes from South Nigeria, by R. E. Dennett, 242, 434-9

Nottinghamshire: charters, 123; folk-song, 127

Ntanda Bilala: wizard and leopard, 393-4

Ntumpu: sacred animals and fish, 395, 397

Numa, King, see King Numa

Numbers in folklore, see under various numbers, such as Seven

Numicius river: Aeneas drowned in, 325; Jupiter Indiges, cult of, 271

Numitor, King, see King Numitor

Nummulites in folklore, 333

Nundinae festivals of Jupiter, Rome, 331-2

Nuts: in game, Barra island, 439

Nutt, A.: review by,—Reinach's Cultes, Mythes, et Religions, 475-6

Nut-tree: associated with Jupiter, Italy, 284

Nyambe, West African deity, 110-2, 224, 376

Nyarongs, W. Africa, 112

Nymphs in Greek folklore, 21

Nzambi, see Nzame

Nzame, West African deity, 111, 376

Oak-tree: Egeria an oak goddess, 283-4, 292, 302; heads hung on oaks, 323; leaves &c. in crown of Roman king or imperator, 302, 307, 312, 315, and in corona civica, 307; oaken spear given for valour, Romans, 321-2; oak gods and goddesses, 283-4, 286-7, 292, 302; Quirites derived from, 281; the rex Nemorensis, 288-93, 322-3, 327-8;