Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/586

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Salii : hymns of, 262, 277, 292, 299,

300 ; Jupiter the Light-bringer, 262 ;

protectors of, 321 ; sacrifice by, 330 Salisbury Plain : in legend of Vorti-

gern, 41 1-2 Saliva, see Spitting Salli : bathing, ceremonial, 32 ; cure

for diseased eyes, 29 ; straw hut

burnt on river, midsummer, 31 Salmon : in folktale, Wales, 337-9 ;

Salmon's Leap, children's game,

Argyllshire, 78 Salona, palace of, 315 Salop, see Shropshire Salt : burnt as charm, St. Briavel's,

169 ; on corpse, Monmouthshire,

66 ; eaten ceremonially, at first

ploughing, Morocco, 39, and at

tent-pitching, Morocco, 39-40 ;

eaten for divination, Jamaica, 72 Sambucus : to colour Easter eggs,

Huculs, 54 Samnium, see Beneventum San Cosmo, in procession, Palermo,

251 Sand : protects from ghosts, Jamaica,

74 Santa Rosalia, Festival of, Palermo,

250-1 Sant' Ubaldo, Cero of, Gubbio, 251-6

{plate) Sarakoste fast, Lesbos, 20 Saturn, sacrifice to, 326 Saturnalia, 324 Sawfish ; snout in sacred grove,

Loango, 399 ; snout as sign of

office, Loango, 399 ^ Sbu river, see Beni Ah'sen Scalds and burns, charm against, St.

Briavel's, 168 Scallop shells : associated with St.

James the Great, 182 Scalpa : in lullaby, 457-8 Scandinavia : {see also Denmark ; Nor- way ; and Sweden) ; birds of world tree, 153 Scarab, see Beetle Sceptre : with eagle, Rome, 302, 307,


Schweizerisches ArchivfUr Volkskimde

reviewed, 491-3 Scipio Africanus, popular worship of,

303-4 Scissors : keeps off witch, Cambridge- shire, 187; nails not cut with, Jamaica, 68 ; unlucky gift, Jamaica, 69

' • Scoppio del Carro," The, at Florence,

by Miss J. L. Weston, 131, 182-4 Scorpion : blinded by rain on April 27th, Morocco, 33 ; charm to catch, Jamaica, 69, 76 Scotland : {see also Hebrides ; High- lands ; Orkney islands ; Shetland islands; andiindcrna»ies of counties); Sargent and Kittredge's English and Scottish Popular Ballads re- viewed, 238-40; folk-song, 127 Scrying, see Crystal-gazing Sea beliefs and customs : water sweet

at midsummer, Morocco, 34 Seabirds, see Birds in folklore Sea-cow, in fresco, Pompeii, 350 Sea-dragon : on Etruscan scarab, 274 Sea-gods : {see also Poseidon) ; Jupiter,

Rome, 272 Sea-horse amulet against evil eye,

Naples, 133 Seal : soldier of Pharaoh, Faroes, 487 .Sea-mew : in game, Barra island, 440 Seats : omens from, Jamaica, 72, 76 Second sight : Glencoe, 61-2 Secretary, election of, 4 Secret societies : S. Nigeria, 437-8 Selinunte : Perseus legend, 351 Semo Sancus, deity, 272 September : 1st, Colchester Oyster Feast, 182 ; dancing-lower proces- sion, Viterbo, 245-57 ; devil spoils brambles, 454 ; Rood Fair, Dum- fries, 454 Septimius Severus : as Zeus, 314 Serpent, see Snake Servius Tullius, King, see King Servius

Tullius Seven : fruits as charm at parturition, Persia, 152; in preparing magic water, Morocco, 33 ; vipers fashion charm-stones, Caithness, 336 Shade of the Balkans, The, reviewed,

489-91 Shadow : built into foundation, Rou- mania &c., 422 ; crime to trample on, Bavili, 372 ; enters and leaves man by mouth, Bavili, 372 ; lost if name answered when in bed, Jamaica, 72 ; vital part of man, Bavili, 372 ; wizard can steal, Bavili, 372-3 Shamir, the stone-cutting worm, 419 Shape-shifting : by Boudas, Abyssinia, 235 ; by Nereid, Crete, 22 ; by witch. Wye valley, 171 ; salmon maid, Wales, 338-9