Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/607

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Members. xiii

Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society, per

C. S. Jago, Esq., Plymouth Public School. Pocklington-Coltman, Mrs., Hagnaby-Priory, Spilsby, Lincolnshire, Poor, H. W., Esq., i8, Wall Street, New York, U.S.A. Portsmouth Public Library, per Tweed D. A. Jewers, Esq., Librarian, empower, D'Arcy, Esq., M.A., M.B., F.S.A., lOA Chandos Street, Cavendish

Square, W. Postel, Prof. Paul, Lemberg, Austria. Price, F. G. Hilton, Esq., F.S.A., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., 17, Collingham Gardens,

S. Kensington, S.W. Providence Public Library, per G. E. Stechert, 2, Star Yard, Carey Street, W.C. Pusey, S. E. Bouverie, Esq., F.R.G.S., 35A, South Audley Street, W.

Quaritch, Bernard, 15, Piccadilly, W.

Quaritch, Miss, 34, Belsize Grove, Hampstead, N.W.

Raynbird, H., jun., Esq., Garrison Gateway, Old Basing, Basingstoke.

Reade, John, Esq., 270, Laval Avenue, Montreal, Canada.

Reading Free Public Library, Reading, per W. H. Greenhough, Esq.

Reynolds, Llywarch, Esq., B.A., Old Church Place, Merthyr Tydvil.

Rhys, Professor John, M.A., LL.D., Jesus College, Oxford {Vice-President).

Risley, The Hon. H. H., M.A., CLE., c/o Messrs. Thacker, 2, Creed Lane, Ludgate Hill, E.C.

Rivers, W. H. R., Esq., M.D., St. John's College, Cambridge.

Rodon, Major, G.S., F.Z.S., Dharwar, Bombay, India.

Rohrscheid & Ebbecke, Messrs., Buchhandlung, Am Hof, 28, Bonn.

Rorie, D., Esq., M.B. Edin., CM., i, St. Devenick Terrace, Cults, Aberdeen- shire.

Rose, H. A., Esq., c/o Grindlay & Co., 54, Parliament Street, S.W.

Roth, H. Ling, Esq., Briarfield, Stribden, HaHfax. C. Rouse, W. H. D., Esq., M.A., Litt.D., 16, Brookside, Cambridge {President).

Royal Irish Academy, per Hodges, Figgis & Co., 104, Grafton Street, Dublin.

Riicker, Miss, 4 Vanbrugh Terrace, Blackheath, S.E.

Rutherford, Miss Barbara, 196, Ashley Gardens, S.W.

St. Helen's Corporation Free Library, per A. Lancaster, Esq., Librarian, Town

Hall, St. Helen's. Sal ford Public Librarj-, Manchester. Savage, Rev. Canon E. B., M.A., F.S.A., St. Thomas' Vicarage, Douglas,

Isle of Man. Saxby, Mrs. Jessie M. E., Wullver's Hool, Balta Sound; Shetland Isles, c. Sayce, Rev. Prof. A. PL, M.A., LL.D., D.D., Queen's College, Oxford

(4, Whitehall Court, S.W.) {Vice-President). Scholten, Mrs., West End, Newport, R.S.O., Pembrokeshire. Scott, Sir J. G., K.C.I.E., 68, St. James' Court, Buckingham Gale, S.W. Sebillot, Mons. Paul, 80, Boulevard Street, Marcel, Paris.