Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 18, 1907.djvu/32

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4 Minutes of Meetings.

The resignations of Major Mockler Ferryman, Mr. H. Courthope Bowen, and the withdrawal of the subscription of the Fulham Public Library were also announced.

Miss Jessie L. Weston read a paper entitled " The Grail and the Mysteries of Adonis," and in the discussion which followed, Mr. Yeats, Dr. Furnivall, Professor Starr, Dr. Gaster, and the Chairman took part. In the absence of Mr. Nutt, some observations of his upon the paper were read by the Secretary.

The Meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Miss Weston for her paper.


The President (Dr. W. H. D. Rouse) IN THE Chair.

The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and confirmed.

The Annual Report, Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year 1906 were duly presented, and upon the motion of Mr. Letts, seconded by Mr. Crooke, it was resolved that the same be received and adopted. Balloting papers for the Election of President, Vice-Presidents, Council, and Officers having been distributed, Mr. Major and Mr. Thomas were nominated by the Chairman as scrutineers for the ballot,

The Chairman, having delivered his Presidential Address, [p. 12] announced the result of the ballot, and the following were declared duly elected, viz. : —