Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 18, 1907.djvu/34

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I 6th January, 1907.

The Council have to record a year of steady work and progress. Five Libraries have been enrolled as subscribers to the Society, and 19 new members have been elected. On the other hand 13 old members have resigned, and 3 have died ; and the subscriptions of two libraries have been withdrawn. The roll of the Society is, therefore, a little longer than it was a year ago. It is, however, a matter of regret that more subscriptions than usual are in arrear, and the Council hope that this state of affairs will be remedied before the next annual meeting.

The reasons alleged for resignation are often quite inadequate, and the Council appeal to all present members not to allow any but the weightiest reasons to influence them to withdraw from the Society.

In the last annual report a proposal was made by the Council that members and subscribing libraries should in future be distinguished in the published lists. No list of Members has been published during the past year, but effect will be given to the proposal in due course.

The papers read during the year have been as follows, viz. :

fan. 17. The President's Address. (Folk-Lore, March, 1906.) Feb. 2\. " The Folklore of Dolls. " (Illustrated by lantern slides. ) Mr. E. Lovett.