Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 18, 1907.djvu/547

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Prophecy : of rainfall, India, 333-4 ;

raven bird of, 131 Proserpine, see Persephone Prostitution, sacred : India, south,

458 ; temple of Mylitta, 458 Proverbs: 351 ; Greek, 19, 21, 226;

Latin, 21 ; Yoruba, 444 Proverbs, Book of : as related to Celtic

Triads, 225-6 Prussia : Laume, baby-stealing deity,

275 Pryderi : 143, 145, 152-3; as king of

Hades, 140; slain by Gwydion, 146 Prydwen, Arthur's ship, 143-4, 1 53 Puberty rites : fasting, 408 Puluga, All Father, Andamanese, 468 Puppy, see Dog Purging: as purification, Masai &c.,

393 Pwyll : 143, 145 ; as king of Hades, 140 ; prince of D^-ved, 149-50

Queen Dido, burning of, 221 Queen Iseult and Tristan, 232, 234 Queensland : {see also Barcoo river ; Bulloo river : and under 7iat?ies of tribes) ; mourning custom, 400- 1 Quetzalcoatl, Mexican deity, 261 Quicken-tree : in folktales, Ireland, 32-4> 52

Rabies, see Hydrophobia

Rachel's Tomb: inlegendof Joseph, 75

Rag-trees : Palestine, 69

Rain : charms for, Germany, 277-8 ; deities of, also deities of birth, 269-72, 280 ; feast to rain god, India, 331-2 ; Laume, r. deity, Lithuanians &c., 275 ; prophecies of, India, 333-4 ; sacrifices to god of, Aztecs, 276

Ram, see Sheep

Ramadan, fast of, 416-8

Ramallah : haunted spring, 55

Ramayana, The, 16

Rat : in Chinese animal cycle, 119

Rathdrum : burial of amputated arm.

Rattles : of secret society, Sierra Leone Protectorate, 424 (plate)

Raven : associated with goddess Badhbh, Ireland, 133, Bran, Wales, 131, god Lugh, 131, and Tethra, 133 ; symbolism of, 131

Rayyan, gate of heaven, 418

Rebirth beliefs, see Reincarnation beliefs

Red : calf, water spirit as, Greek

islands, 331 ; cloth round fetish,

Sierra Leone Protectorate, 425 ; as

surname in folktales, 46 ; Tammuz

clothed in, 295 Reef islands : All Father belief, 408 Regensburg : burial of heretics, 371-2 Reincarnation beliefs : Eskimo, 96 Relationship, blood: Australia, 169-70 Religion : [see also Brahmanism ;

Buddhism; andT>t\iy, conceptions

of) ; Religion in Huolution, by F.

B. Jevons, reviewed, 346-7 Religious Songs of Connacht, The, by

D. Hyde, reviewed, 347-50 Religious System of the Ajnazzilu, 212 Reptiles in folklore, see Crocodile ;

Frog ; and Lizard Reservoirs : haunted by evil spirits,

Palestine, 58 Reviews, 95-120, 217-48, 343-60,

451-72 Rhenish Prussia, see Cologne Rheumatism : jinn-heated springs for,

Palestine, 56 Rhinoceros : in folklore, Malays, 248 Rhodesia, see Mashukulumbwe Rhone, Dept. of, see Lyons Rhone, valley of: Graeco- Egyptian

influence entered Gaul by, 126, 137 Rhymes, see Folk-songs ; and Nursery

rhymes Rib of man, woman from, Todas, 104 Ribble river : Peg O'Nell, 266 Rice : in marriage custom, India, 270 Rickets cured by St. Madron's well,

Cornwall, 255 Riddles : gipsy, 360 Ried : babies from well, 269 Riga : mysteriously disturbed coffins,


Right : turn to for respect or to avert ill-luck, jatakas, 21-2

Rings, finger : as amulets against evil eye, Italy, 189

Ripon : nursery song, 449

Rivers and streams : (see also ttnder their names) ; Homeric heroes children of river gods, 280 ; river spirits, 266 ; sacrifice on crossing, Franks, 276 ; yearly victim, 277

Rivers. W. H. R. : review by — Jayne's String Figures, 112-6

Rocks, sacred, see Stones

Roebuck, see Deer

Romans, ancient : baptismal rite, 264 ; proverb, 21