Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 2, 1891.djvu/251

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Notes and News.

and annotated by the Rev. James MacDougall, with an Introduction by Alfred Nutt; also The Fians, traditions in prose and verse, collected during the last forty years by the Rev. J. G. Campbell of Tiree.

The prospects of the Folk-lore Congress are very promising. Papers and addresses will be forthcoming from the president, Mr. Andrew Lang, and from Sir Frederick Pollock, Professors F. B. Jevons, Rhys, and Sayce, Drs. Gaster, Tylor, and Winternitz, Messrs. E. Clodd, J. G. Frazer, F. H. Groome, G. L. Gomme, E. S. Hartland, Joseph Jacobs, Alfred Nutt, besides others from foreign folk-lorists.

The fourth and concluding part of the Rev. S. Baring-Gould's Songs of the West merits record in this place, both for the important mass of materials it contains on the English Folk-Song and for the detailed analysis of the whole work, with parallels, etc., contained in the introduction to this part.

The second and concluding volume of Miss Garnett's work on the Folk-lore of Turkey will be shortly issued by Mr. Nutt.

Papers for the next (September) number of Folk-Lore must reach the Office, 270, Strand, on or before August 1st.