Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 2, 1891.djvu/452

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Folk-lore Bibliography.
Nöldeke (Th.) Das arabische Märchen vom Doctor und Garcoch Herausgegeben, übersetzt and in seinem litterar. Zusammenhange beleuchtet. 4to. 54 pp. Berlin.
Zibst. Listy z ceskychdejin kulturnicli. [These "Fragments of a History of Civilisation in Bohemia" contain, according to M. L. Leger, a study of the Melusina legend in Bohemia.]


Errera (P.) Les Masuirs: recherches sur quelques vestiges des formes anciennes de la propriété en Belgique.

[Review will follow in December number. Meanwhile attention may be called to the important nature of this volume as containing the largest induction of facts on the subject of which it deals.]

Wissowa (G.) De feriis anni Romanorum vetustissimi observationes selectæ. 4to. 15 pp. Marburg.


Journal of American Folk-lore, April to June 1891. O. T. Mason, Natural History of Folk-lore. W. W. N., The Indian Messiah. L. Vossion, Nat-Worship among the Burmese. J. W. Fewkes, A Suggestion as to the meaning of the Moki Snake-dance. T. Wilson, Amulet Collection of Prof. Belucci. S. Hayward, Popular Names of American Plants. F. D. Bergen and W. W. Newell, Topics for collection of Folk-lore. Bibliographical Notes.
American Anthropologist, April 1891, vol. iv, No. 2. (Washington.) N. P. Phister, The Indian Messiah. C. Thomas, The Story of a Mound; or, the Shawnees in pre-Columbian Times. W. H. Holmes, The Thruston Tablet. J. W. Fewkes, On Zemes from Santo Domingo. W. W. Rockhill, Notes on some of the Laws, Customs, and Superstitions of Korea. R. Fletcher, Quarterly Bibliography of American Literature.
American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal, March 1891, vol. xiii, No. 2. (Mendon, Ill.) W. J. McGee, Some Principles of Evidence relating to the Antiquity of Man. E. Guernsey, The Alaskan Natives of Fort Wrangel. J. Deans, The Story of