Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 2, 1891.djvu/510

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Religion of the Apache Indians.

The Apache has no temples, such as the Zunis and Moquis have in the underground estufas, or chambers devoted to religion, conference, and labour. Neither has he altars, niches, or shrines, unless in such a category be put the stone "prayer-heaps" described in the earlier pages of this article. Yet, if less attractive to the eye, his religion is less repugnant to decency. It contains fewer obscene suggestions of the Phallic worship once prevailing among all the inhabitants of Arizona, and in our own generation practised openly by the Zunis, who have orgies so disgusting that the merest allusion only is permissible; while the Moquis, until the last decade, indulged in bestiality and abominations.