Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu/593

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Cornwall : {see also Helston) ; fish scarce after shipwrecks, 488

Correspondence, 86-96, 224-34, 350-5, 492-9

Cosmogony ; Lower Congo, 54, 58 ; of St Columba, 108

Council of Folk-Lore Society: election, 5 ; report, 6-9

Counting : Lower Congo, 33-4 ; un- lucky. Lower Congo, 473-4

Coursing : Lancashire, 203

Cow: {see also Q2X\\q.)\ amulet against dwarf-striking, Norway, 323 ; dis- eases, cause of, Norway, 323 ; flesh of lightning-struck cow as remedy, Burma, 484 ; unlucky not to feed, Yule Eve, Norway, 333-4

Cowrie shell : in folk-tale, Swahili, 448-9; in tribal name, Lower Congo, 63 ; wristlets of, Assam, 140 {plate)

Crab : claws as amulets, Italy, 70 {plate) ; in folk-tale, Assam, 396

Cramp : amulets against, Scotland, 232, South Downs and Whitstable, 65, Yorkshire, 348 ; charms against, Norway, 321, Yorkshire, 348

Cra'ster, Miss B. M. : review by, — Fra Dansk Folkemi7idesamling, Meddelelser og Sp'rsnial, I20-2

Crayfish : tabu on, Lower Congo, 308

Creation : Greek theories, 422-4 ; theory of origin of myths, 367-9

Creator, beliefs about : 492-3, 495 ; Andamans, 264-5, 269-70, 495-6 ; Assam, 392, 399 ; Australia, 495

Crete, see Knossos

Crockham Hill: folk-tale, 217

Crocodile: fed, Veys, 128; tooth as amulet, Congo, 3

Crook, shepherd's : as Easter-egg pattern, Roumanians, 302 {plate)

Crooke, W. : Burial of Suicides at Cross-roads, 88-9 ; The Burning of the Property of a Gypsy at Death, 353 ; Indian Folklore Notes, II, 482-5 ; Some Notes on Indian Folk- lore, 21 1-3 ; The Testing of a Sac- rificial Victim, 233-4 ; reviews by, — Anthropology and the Classics, 103-4; Johnson's Folk- Memory ; or. The Continuity of British Archaeology , 101-2 ; Lang's The Origin of Terms of Human Relationship, 255-6 ; Landtman's The Primary Causes of Social Inequality, 369-71 ; Frazer's Psyche's Task, 241-2

Cross : in charms, Durham, 217, Lan- arkshire, 353-4, Lower Congo, 473, Yorkshire, 348 ; hunting fetish, Lower Congo, 18 1-2 {plate) ; St Bridget crosses, Antrim, 130 ; sign of, in charms, Cornwall, 488, pro- tects from ill-luck, Worcestershire, 346

Crossing Straws as a Charm, by D. M'Kenzie, 353-4

Cross-roads : as burying-places, 88-9, Lower Congo, 475 ; for solemn curse &c. , Lower Congo, 472

Crow : in folk-tale, Assam, 412 ; fore- tells future, Norway, 336 ; in Panchatantra, 507

Crustacea in folklore, see Crab

Cryptomeria : ghost resides in, Japan,

Cuchulainn sagas : instructions to Lugaid, 364

Cuckoo: in folk-tales, 515 ; in nursery rhyme, Yorkshire, 79 ; silent after Bishu Jatra festival, India, 337

Cuckoo myth, Arthur saga as version of, 504

Cucumber : in folk-tale, Swahili, 449 ; in local taunt, Malta, 373

Culham : German band brings rain, 490 ; weather saying, 490

Cumberland, see Maryport

Cupar : fair, Aug., 90

Currant-tree : omen from, Worcester- shire, 343

Currency : Lower Congo, 42-3 ; Transvaal, 93

Cursing, see Imprecations

Curtea de Arge§ : Easter-eggs, 302 {plate)

Cyclones, see Storms

Cyrus, King, see King Cyrus

Dahomey : annual customs, 128

Dairy customs and beliefs : {see also Churningcustoms and beliefs) ; setter customs and beliefs, Norway &c., 324, 327, 330, 333-4

Dames, M. Longworth : review by, — Shaikh Chilli's Folk- Tales of Hin- dustan, 248-9

Danae, myth of, 125

Dances : Congo, 3, 36, 463-9, 477 ; corroborees, Australia, 487 ; Guern- sey, 1 1 7-8; in initiation ceremonies, Swahili, 437 ; morris, Lancashire, 204; Tyrol, 516-7; war, Lower Congo, 36, 466
