Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 20, 1909.djvu/601

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Hair : on breast shows truthfulness, India, 337 ; in cursing, Lower Congo, 472 ; cut during moon's wax, Worcestershire, 342 ; dressing, Assam, 4i6(//ai's), 420; lock buried under house post, Assam, 133-4 ; omen from burning of, Durham, 73 ; unlucky to keep, Staffordshire, 348, Vcirkshire, 348

Hakka Chins : exhibits, 386

Hales, solar and lunar : made by departed spirits. Lower Congo, 59

Hampden, John, legend of, 219

Hampshire, see Winchester

Hampton Court Palace : folk-tale of Diana fountain, 218

Hanbury: firstfooting, 222 ; mistletoe protects against lightning, 220; sore not rubbed with forefinger, 221

Hand : of beggar as Easter-egg pattern, Roumanians, 302 {plate)

Hanging : meeting eyebrows omen of, Lincolnshire, 217

Hangman's rope as charm, 513

Hanna, W. : "Sympathetic" Magic, 95-6

Hare : ear as Easter-egg pattern, Roumanians, 302 {plate) ; in folk- tales, Subiya, 456, Swahili, 438, 440-8, Tete, 439, Zambezi river,


Hartland, E. S. : Exhibition of Italian Ethnography at Rome in 191 1, 224-6 ; reviews by, — The Bawenda of the Spelonken {Ti-ansvaal), 122 ; van Gennep's Les Rites de Passage, 509-11 ; short notice by, — Bourhill and Drake's Fairy Tales from South Africa, 128

Hartlebury : folklore notes, 342-8

Harvest customs and beliefs : {see also Firstfruits) ; "Grand' Querrue" festi- val, Guernsey, 117; Mell suppers, Durham, 74

Hascombe : witchcraft, 490-1

Haunted places : Worcestershire, 347

Hatisa Stories and Riddles, by H. G. Harris, reviewed, 374-6

Hautes Pyrenees, see Gavarnie ; and Luz St Sauveur

Hawick : firstfooting, 482

Hawthorn-tree : blossom unlucky before May, Worcestershire, 343

Head : cut off in war. Lower Congo, 36-7 ; as drinking cup. Lower Congo, 36 ; as war trophy, Lower Congo, 36

Headless ghosts : Durham, 75 Head-hunting among the Hill Tribes

of Assam, by T. C. Hodson, 129,

132-43 {plates) Headlam : in proverb, 73 Heart : amulet in shape of, Scotland,

231-2 ; in charm against evil eye,

Sussex, 65 ; in sympathetic magic,

Yorkshire, 483 Heaven : in visions of St Adamnan,

107-8 Hebrews, see Jews Hebrides, see lona Hector de Mareis, in Arthur romances,

278, 284-5, 291-2 Hell : Hell Hole, Yorkshire, 75 ;

in vision of St Adamnan, 107-8 Helslon: cancer cure, 488 ; Christmas

buns, 48S ; cross in charms, 488 ;

May births unlucky, 488 ; New Year

custom, 488 ; saying of sea, 488 Hen : augury from, Algiers, 209 ; as

Easter-egg pattern, Roumanians,

302 {plate) ; in proverb, Durham,

73 Hera, the goddess, 514 Herb of Love stolen from churchyard,

Malta, 373 Hernia : from stealing from black- smith's forge. Lower Congo, 311 Heron : in folk-tale, S. Africa, 446-7 Herring : bones and eyes given to cap- tive by hnldre4oVvi, Norway, 331 Hevne : tale oi huldre-ioWi., 335 Hesiod. The Poems and Fragments done into English Prose, by A. W. Mair, reviewed, 105-6, 421-31 Hiccough : charm against, Durham,

77, Worcestershire, 346 Hidden treasure, j'i?!? Treasure Hildburgh, W. L. : exhibits by, 7 Hills : {see also tinder names) ; tales

to explain names of, Assam, 413 Hippopotamus : flesh tabued, Lower

Congo, 308 Hiroi Lamgang : eclipse myth, 417-8 History of the Destruction of the Round Table as told in Hebrew in the Year 1279, The, by M. Gaster, 272-94, by Miss J. L. Weston, 497-8 Hob Gate, Durham, 75 Hockey : Lower Congo, 457 Hodson, T. C. : Head-hunting among the Hill Tribes of Assam, 129, 132- 43 {plates) ; notes to Folk-Tales of the Lushais and their neighbours, 417-20