Planting customs and beliefs : Lower Congo, 311
Plants in folklore : {see also Acer cam- pestre •; v^z plant; Arum; Bamboo; Barberry; Box-tree; Broom; Bur- dock ; Canna plant ; Caryota sobo- lifera ; Clover ; Entada scandens ; Flowers in folklore ; Fungi ; Gourd ; Grass; Herb of love; Houseleek ; A'ititumba; Laurel; Lemba-lemba; Maize; Mallow; Mistletoe; Nsan- galavwa ; Nsakusaku ; Parsley ; Parsnip; Pumpkin vine; Reeds; Rosemary ; Strawberry - plant ; Thistle ; and Yam) ; not burnt while green, Lincolnshire, 489 ; Christmas evergreens, customs about, England, 488-90
Pledges for loans. Lower Congo, 33
Pleiades : rain comes from, Lower Congo, 477 ; weather prognostic from. Lower Congo, 477
Plough : share and wheel as Easter- egg patterns, Roumanians, 302 {plates)
Plough Monday : Cambridgeshire, 202
Plum-tree : spirit, in folk-tale, Japan,
251 Pois, 396-7, 401, 416, 420 Poker, see Fireirons Polynesia, see Fiji islands ; and
Friendly islands Pontesbury : "hand of glory," 219 Poona district, see Jejuri Porridge : fire sprinkled with spring
water, Nandi, 247 ; rommegrod,
Norway, 326, 329-30, 333 Possession, demon or spirit : Lower
Congo, 476; Semites, 381 ; Swahili,
435-6 Potato: in folk-tale, China, 518; as
rheumatism charm. South Downs,
64 Poulton : "Jacky John's Pair," 81-2 Prawn : in folk-tale, Assam, 389 Pre-animistic religion : Marett's 7 lie
Thieshold of Religion reviewed,
235-41 Pre-Animistic Stages in Religion, by
E. Clodd, 354-5 President : election of, 4 Presidential address, 4, 12-31 Primary Causes of Social Inequality^
The, by G. Landtman, reviewed,
369-71 Prometheus myth, 106, 423-4
I'roverbs : Cornwall, 488 ; Durham
county, 73, 75 ; Oxfordshire, 490 ;
Worcestershire, 346 Psyche's Task, by J. G. Frazer, re- viewed, 2.i,l-2 Pteropod : in myth, Eskimo, 378 Puberty rites : secret societies not
concerned with. Lower Congo, 190 Publications of Folk-Lore Society,
7-8 Puchikwar tribe, Andamans, 258-63,
265-6, 270 Pulse : Urad, flour snakes from as
treasure guardians, India, 211 Puluga, mythical being, Andamans,
258-60, 262-3, 266, 269-71, 493-6 Puluga- I'od-baraij, in Andamanese
legend, 262 Pumpkin seeds : planting customs,
Lower Congo, 311 Pumpkin vine : fruit in folk-tale,
Swahili, 449-50 ; leaves give lupus,
Lower Congo, 31 1 ; stem slays
chief, Wadoe, 438 ; tabu on fruit,
Wadoe, 438 Purum : folk-tale, 394 Purum-at-chop, in Andamanese
legend, 263 Puzzle of Arunta Local Totem-Groups,
The, by A. Lang, 229-31 Pyrenees : sundial, 69 {plate)
Quail : in folk-tales, Assam, 398,
Queen Guinevere : in Hebrew Arthur romance, 276, 283-71 289
Queen Igerna : in Hebrew Arthur romance, 276, 279-82, 497
Queen Semiramis, myths of, 125
Queensferry, South, see South Queens- ferry
Queensland : {see also Cairns ; Car- pentaria, Gulf of; Lower Leichardt; Upper Condamine river ; and Yarrubah) ; conception, beliefs about, 350-2
Quellen nnd Forschungen zur Deut- schen Volkskunde, Band \\\, by F. F. Kohl, reviewed, 516-7
Questions : not put by nganga. Lower Congo, 184
Quoireng Nagas : head-hunting be- liefs and customs, 138
Rabbit : white, in legend of Satan,
Wilts, 80 Radcliffe : rush-bearing, 204