Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/12

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Josef Schönhärl. Volkskundliches aus Togo
Elphinstone Dayrell. Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa A. R. Wright 258
A. Playfair. The Garos. W. Crooke . . .261
J. G. Frazer. Totemism and Exogamy. N. W. Thomas . 389
Eoin MacNeill. Irish Texts Society. Vol. VII. Duanaire Finn. Alfred Nutt ..... 396
Carolus Plummer. Vitæ Sanctorum Hiberniæ. Eleanor Hull 401
Studies in English and Comparative Literature. B. C. A. Windle ....... 409
W. P. Ker. On the History of the Ballads, 1100-1150. B. C. A. Windle ...... 409
Charles Peabody. Certain Quests and Doles. B. C. A. Windle 410
T. Sharper Knowlson. The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs. Charlotte S. Burne . . .411
Frederick Tupper, Jr. The Riddles of the Exeter Book. B. C. A. Windle ...... 413
Max Arthur Macauliffe. The Sikh Religion. W. Crooke . 414
Guillaume Schmidt. L'Origine de l'Idée de Dieu. A. Lang 516
H. Hubert et M. Mauss. Mélanges d'Histoire des Religions
Émile Durkheim. L'Année Sociologique, Tome XI . E. Sidney Hartland 523
R. R. Marett. The Birth of Humility.
Albert Churchward. The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man ....... 525
E. H. van Heurck et G. J. Boekenoogen. Histoire de l'imagerie populaire Flamande et de ses rapports avec les imageries étrangères. A. R. Wright . . . . -527
J. C. Lawson. Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion : A Study in Survivals. H. J. Rose . 529
C. G. Seligmann. The Melanesians of British New Guinea. A. C. Haddon ...... 532
William Henry Furness. The Island of Stone Money. A. Lang 535
George Brown. Melanesians and Polynesians . . . 536
Short Notices : —
Albert Thümmel. Die Germanische Tempel . . .128
A.A.Grace. Folktales of the Maori. George Calderon . 128