Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/158

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Minutes of Meetings.

Philippine Islands; and announced that the Professor had presented these objects to the Society. It was resolved that the hearty thanks of the Society be accorded to Prof. Starr for his gift, and that the objects be added to the Society's collection in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Cambridge.

Mr. Hartland also read a paper entitled "The Cult of Executed Criminals in Sicily" (pp. 168-79), which was illustrated by lantern slides.

The Rev. J. H. Weeks read a paper entitled "The Congo Medicine-man and his Black and White Magic," and in the discussion which followed Mr. R. E. Dennett, Mr. Hartland, Mr. Tabor, Mr. Wright, and Dr. Hildburgh took part. Mr. Weeks exhibited the following objects illustrative of his paper:—male and female fetish figures, horn amulet, fibre cloth, and a medicine-man's charm for curing lung diseases from the Lower Congo; a pipe bowl and basket from the Upper Congo; and brass rods which are currency on the Upper Congo.

Mr. Hartland exhibited and presented to the Society two models of house posts carved and painted by Joe Hayes, a Nootkan Indian, and representing the legends of his family, from Clayoquot on the west coast of Vancouver Island; and Miss D. Moutray Read, on behalf of her brother Capt. B. Moutray Read, exhibited a drum and an "Abiriwa" fetish dress from West Africa.

The meeting concluded with hearty votes of thanks to Mr. Hartland and the Rev. J. H. Weeks for their papers, and to Mr. Hartland for the objects which he had so kindly presented to the Society.