Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/394

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352 Collectanea.

sweet." The Jackal said, — "What did you burn?" He said, — '* Guinea-corn." He (Jackal) said, — " Oh no, I did not say you were to burn the guinea-corn, I said you should burn the millet." Then he said, — " Very well." So he went and burnt the store of millet, and filtered (it) and tasted (it). It tasted bitter.^ He did not find (it) sweet like the honey. Then he (Spider) said to the Jackal, — " I did not find it sweet." So the Jackal said, — " What did you burn ? " And he said,—" Millet." Then he said,—" Oh no, I did not say you should burn millet, I said dauro." So he said, — " Very well." So he went and burnt the store of dauro, he filtered (it), he tasted (it), he did not find it sweet. Then he returned and said to the Jackal, — " I did not find it sweet." So the Jackal said, — "What did you burn?" He said, — ^^ Dauro." He (Jackal) said, — " Oh no, I did not say you were to burn dauro, I said you were to burn the beans." So he said, — "Very well." So he went and burnt the store of beans, he filtered (them), he tasted (them), he felt a bitter (taste), he did not find them sweet like the honey. So he said to the Jackal, — " I did not find them (it) sweet." So the Jackal said, — " What did you burn ? " Then he said, — "Beans." He (Jackal) said, — "Thank God, Spider, I have paid back on you the evil turn which you did to me." So the Spider was without food. He had to beg (so he was begging).

II. The Lion, the Spider, and the Hycena. (B. G.)

This is about a Lion, (who) had bought a ram. He tended it. (He kept it ?) thus until the ram grew up, and was given the name of Barra randam. A bell was tied on its neck. The ram grew big. One day the Lion was going to look for food at a distance. When the Spider heard the news, he came and asked the Lion to let him look after the ram. The Lion said, — " Oh no." He said, — "Perhaps something might happen to him." Then the Spider said, — " Nothing will happen to him." So the Lion said, — " All right, I will leave it (let me leave it)." When the Lion had gone, the Spider took the ram. He went and killed and ate it. He put the skin and bell by. He put the fat by. Then the Lion came home, (and) the Spider came crying and said, — " Somebody

^Or perhaps "he felt a bitter (taste)."