Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/482

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440 The Ancient Hymn-Cha7'ms of Ireland.

is represented as guarding the centre of the house, {ix. the place of the hearth), and the Blessed Virgin the top or ends

of it.

" As I save this fire to-night Even so may Christ save me. On the top of the house let Mary, Let Bride in its middle be. Let eight of the mightiest angels Round the throne of the Trinity Protect this house and its people Till the dawn of the day shall be." ^^

This is the Innismaan version from the Aran Isles, Co. Galway. The Cork version is practically identical.

" I save this fire

As kind Christ saves. Mary at the two ends of the house,

And Brigit in the middle, All that there are of angels

And of saints in the city of graces Protecting and keeping

The folk of the house till day."33

In the Highlands and Western Isles the idea is almost the same, whether for kindling or for "smooring" the fire, as the "covering" is here called {beannchadh snialaidli).

" Kindling the Fire.

I will raise the hearth-fire

As Mary would.

The encirclement of Brigit and of Mary

On the fire and on the floor,

And on the household all.

Who are they on the bare floor ?

John and Peter and Paul.

Who are they by my bed ?

^^Hyde, Religious Songs of Connacht, vol. ii., p. 47. ^ Ibid., p. 51.