Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/530

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488 Collectanea.

her vessel, she was given the Gazelle to wrestle with (she was joined wrestling). When she (Hygena) had lifted her (Gazelle) up, "boop" she threw (her) on the ground. Then the Elephant said, — "Good. Take it away. (It is) your meat. You have won." When she (Hyaena) had gone, she met her husband, who said, — "Where did you obtain the meat?" Then she said, — " God curse you." She said, — " Look here ! Wrestling is going on over there. He who throws another may take his flesh and eat (it). You, you can sit down (doing nothing)." Then he said, — " Are they doing it now ? " — so spoke the male. Then she said, — " No, they have gone away (there will be no more) until tomorrow." He said, — " All right. May God bring us safely to tomorrow." He was rejoicing. Day broke. He had not slept, but in the early morning said, — "Have they come (to) play?" She said, — " Oh, no, (not) until the afternoon." He was rejoicing. In the afternoon he came first to the playground. He had tied twenty bells to his waist-belt. On his arrival ^ they said, — " Oh, to-day we have a wrestler as a guest." Then the Elephant said, — " Well, let the wrestler enter the arena so that we may see him." So he entered the arena, and he danced, and danced, and danced. Then he challenged (stretched hand to) the Elephant, for the Elephant to wrestle with him (catch him wrestling). But the Elephant said, — " You are full of insolence. Will you not find a small (antagonist)?" Then he challenged the Buffalo, but the Buffalo said, — "You are full of insolence. Will you not find a small antagonist ? " Then they said, — " Oh, this one is a wrestler." Then the Elephant said, — "Let us match him with (push him to) the Jerboa, and we shall perforce see." So the Elephant said, — " Here is the Jerboa. Start wrestling." Then the Hygena said, — " Oh, you are mocking me." But the Elephant said, — "Go on, nevertheless." As the Jerboa came, he (Hyaena) threw him up and opened his mouth, (and) the Jerboa fell in the mouth. So he (Hygena) swallowed (him). Then he challenged the Roan-Antelope, but he (Antelope) said, — " Oh no, the small ones are not (yet) done with (finished)." Then they said (it was said), — "Water-lizard, come out and wrestle with him." So the Water-lizard said,—" Very ^ Not clear how they could have been there at his arrival when he was first.