Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/533

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Collectanea. 49 1

arose and went. They went to a Hysena's farm. Now the Cake was carrying a leather bag. So the Dog said, — " Let me get inside the bag." So the Dog got inside. When he had got inside, he told the Cake to carry him. Then the Cake said he would be revenged. The Dog said not to take (follow with) him into the Hyaena's farm. So the Cake carried him. But he took him into the Hysena's farm. When he had brought him, he began kicking down the ridges of the farm. Then the Dog said, — "Here do not go (here)." Then the Hyaena said, — "Who are there?" The Cake said, — "Ah, it is we." Then she said, — "You and who?" so said the Hygena. So he said, — "I and the Dog." But the Hygena did not hear. So they went on and on, the Cake kicking down the ridges of the farm. Then the Hyaena said, — "Here, what kind of people (are you to do) thus?" Then the Cake said, — " A man with a Dog for a load will not be unable to wander in the Hyaena's farm " {i.e. will be welcome). Then the Hyaena said, — "What did you say?" So the Cake said, — "I have (a load of) a Dog here." When the Hyaena heard, she came running. So the Cake threw down the Dog. So the Cake ran away, and left the Dog there. (So) the Hyaena came and took (him). When she had taken (him) and had gone, she (found that) she had no fire. (So) she left (him) with her cubs. When she had left (him) with (to) them, she went to look for fire.'^ Then the Dog said to the cubs, — " Have you ever seen my nose ? " The cubs said they had not seen (it). So the Dog said, — " Open (the bag) a little, that I may show you my nose." When they had seen (it), they said, — "All right. Go back. We have seen (it)." He went back, and said, — "Have you ever seen my head?" They said they had not. So he said, — "Open a Httle, and you will see." When they had seen, they said, — " All right. Go back. We have seen it." Then soon afterwards he asked if they had ever seen his feet. They said they had not seen (them). He said, — " Well, open a little, and I'll show you (them)." When they had seen (them), they said, — "All right, we have seen (them). Go back." He went back. After a little he said, — " Since you were (born) have you ever seen my pace?" (running). They said

' This story is not yet modernised enough for matches to be introduced. The only available fire would probably be at her house.