Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/581

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Abbot's Bromley : antiquity, 386-7 ; fair, 26 ; horn dance, 6, 25-30, 33. 38-40 Abscesses, see Tumours and ulcers Aberdare Range, see Akikflyu Aberdeenshire, see Crathie ; Lower

Deeside Abipones : dangerous to tell name,

156 Abiriwa fetish dress, 130 Accidents : Decollati save from,

Sicily, 169, 172 Accounts of Society, 12-3 Achilles sagas, 138, 146, 245-6 Acireale : cult of executed crimi- nals, 170 Acland, R. D. : Scraps of English

Folklore, 224 Address to His Majesty King

George V., 228, 267 Adi Granth, the, 414 Adonis myth, 11 1 Adwan tribe : poet Nimr, 276,278 ^Egean islands, see Greek islands Affock : murder legend, 348 Afghanistan : shrines, 176-7 Africa : (.see also Alitemnian Lib- yans ; Amazulu ; Ashanti ; Bantu ; Basutos ; Bechuana ; British East Africa ; Calabar ; Congo Beige ; Congo Frangais ; Dahomey ; Dualas ; Egypt ; Fanti ; Hausas ; Ivory Coast ; Kabyles ; Kaffirs ; Masai ; Monomotapa ; Morocco ; Nandi ; North Nigeria ; Nyassa- land ; Sierra Leone ; Soudan ; South Nigeria ; Swahili ; Togo ; Tshi ; Yoruba) ; amulets, 161 ; east, Indian charms from, 85, Weule's Native Life in East Africa reviewed, 122-4 > Tre- mearne's The Niger and the West Sudan noticed, 537 ; north, dan- gerous to answer questions, 158 ; south, inheritance customs, 20 ; west, blood drunk, 161, rainbow snake, 256

Agnation or father-right : Banks' islands, 53

Agoo : amulet, 129

Agricultural folklore : (see also Firstfruits ; Harvest customs and beliefs ; Planting customs and beliefs ; Ploughing customs and beliefs ; Rice ; Sowing customs and beliefs) ; deity of crops, Garos, 261 ; fetish powers, Con- go, 465 ; human sacrifice, Khonds, 177 ; parts of bodies stuck up in fields, Assam, 177 ; town charm, Congo, 456-7

Ague : amulet against, India, 325

Aharinagh : tower, 344

Aibhinn the beautiful, 181, 186-7

Air : Zeus as god of, 133

Ak shrub : in folk-medicine, India, 317-8, 330

Akamba : Akikuyu offshoot from, 252 ; legend of origin, 253-4

Akikflyu : Routledges' With a Pre- historic People reviewed, 252-8

Albania : (see also Vulki) ; Dur- ham's High Albania reviewed, 250-1

Alfred Nutt : an Appreciation, by J. L. Weston, 512-4

Alitemnian Libyans : bride-race, 140

All-Father belief, see Deity, con- ceptions of

All Fools' Day : annual barring of way, Cheshire, 31

Alius Prosator, 417-8, 424-5, 428

Amazulu : crocodiles, rites against, 160; ford rites, 159; lightning, beliefs about, 160 ; medical folk- lore, 160; rainbow snake, 256; wounded man dangerous,


Ambala : folk-medicine, 323, 325

Amber : as amulet, Suffolk, 7 ; axes, Scandinavia, 68 (plate)

America, see North America ; South America