Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/605

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band of father's sister, 45 ; social

divisions, 55-6, 58 Moth : omen from, Scotland, 90 Mother-right : Africa, 123, 202 ;

Iroquois, 127 ; survivals of, 52 Motlav : father's sister, 49-50 ;

feasts after first birth, 48 Motor mascots, 3 Mountain ash : against witchcraft,

Lines, 158 Mt Amanus, see Commagene Mt Callan : Conan's grave, 485 ;

past, 477 Mt Ida : cave of Zeus, 135 Mt Kenya, see Akik^ayu Mt Lyttos : cave near, 135, 137 Mourning, see Death and funeral

customs and beliefs Mouse : charms against, India, 331 Moveen : treasure legend, 344 Moyarta : fairies, 196 ; ghosts, 345 ;

place-names, 183 ; tribe, 182 Moyeir : meaning, 185 Moyhill : ghost, 346 Moyri : meaning, 185 Moyross Parks : meaning, 185 Mugron, Abt. of lona, 420, 426, 434 Mulberry: in zaghareet, Palestine, 288 MQltan : folk-medicine, 326 ; plant

and animal beliefs, 217 Mumming plays, see Folk-drama Mundondo : in fetish charm, Con- go, 459 . Munjila-njila : in fetish charm,

Congo, 459 Munster : (see also Clare ; Cork ;

Kerry ; Limerick ; Tipperary ;

Wexford) ; sheaf dedicated, 197 Muppans : okiddl, 268 Murchad, son of K. Brian, 477 Murder : reincarnation of murderer,

Assam, 262 Murray island : exchanges of pro- perty, 533 Musical instruments, see Bell ; Bow

and arrow ; Drum Music Hill : meaning, 185 Mutton Island, 183 Muzaffargarh : animals, beliefs

about, 216 MycencB : bull's heads, 64 (plate),

136 ; chrysanthemums, 64, 136 ;

double axes, 64-5 (plates), 136 Mylasa : coins, 62 ; local Zeus, 62 Myths and Legends of the New

York State Iroquois, by H. M.

Converse, reviewed, 126-7

Nagar : folk-medicine, 317

Nagas : (see also Lhota Naga) ; Naga Customs and Superstitions, by T. C. Hodson, 268, 296-312

Nail : in charm, India, 332-3 ; horse-shoe, as charm, 3

Nail fetish, 2, 461

Nail-parings : buried, Hausas, 202 ; preserved by father's sister, Banks' islands, 47-8, 57

Names : dangerous to disclose, Ire- land etc., 155-6; gennas at nam- ing, Assam, 311 ; not spoken, Hausas and Filani, 202 ; transfer power, Egypt, 149

Nandi : drink blood, 161, 162

Nangal Shayan : folk-medicine,

324 Nangroha : folk-medicine, 315 Naples : exhibits, 269 ; religious

dancing, 515 Narli : folk-medicine, 315 NathOpura : folk-medicine, 320 Native Life in East Africa, by K.

Weule, reviewed, 122-4 Ndembo society, Congo, 447, 466-7 Ndorobo : aboriginal, 255 Necklaces : Mangunga, 2 ; Pales- tine, 265, 280 ; Santa Cruz island,

3 Needle : charm to ' bind,' India,

330-1 ; omen from, Scotland, 89 Needwood Forest, 27, 30 Neilgherry Hills, see Badagas Nessa, Cuchulainn's grandmother,

231 New Britain : cannibalism, 161 ;

compared with Samoa, 536-7 ;

exhibits, 3 New Grove : dolmen, 196 New Guinea : amulet, 2 ; culture

parallels, 537; Seligmann's The

Melanesians of British New

Guinea reviewed, 532-5 Newhall : mermaid, 341-2 New Hebrides : (see also Pentecost

island) ; father's sister, 42 ; mar- riage customs, 54 Newmarket-on-Fergus : banshee,

191 ; fairies, 195, 197 Newtown (Clare) : tower, 344 New Year : (see also New Year's

Day ; New Year's Eve) ; songs,

Scotland, 264 New Year's Day : barring custom,

Salop, 31 ; dance, Staffs, 39 New Year's Eve : coal brought in,