Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/615

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Teething, amulets for, Essex, 223 Templemaley : fairy forts, 195 Templenaraha : demolition avenged,


Thdkur Bdbd, the Lord, India, 125

Thatcher, G. : A Surrey Birch- Broom Custom, 388

Theatre superstitions, 412

Theft : charms against, 377-8, 426, and to aid, Congo, 465 ; fetish invoked against, Congo, 451,454- 5, 467 ; magic herb detects, 377 ; thief-finder, Congo, 453

Theseus, saga of, 139, 141, 144-5, 230

Thetis, legend of, 138

Thickets : god of, Hausas, 202

Thomas, N. W. : review by, — Frazer's Totemism and Exogamy, 389-96

Thomond, see Clare

Thor : The Sun-God's Axe and Thor's Hammer, by O. Mon- telius, 60-78 (plates)

Thorn : charm to extract, St Gall,

438, __ 445

Thorsas : St Thor's spring, 77

Thrace, see Lycurgos

Three : in fetish ceremonies, Con- go. 454. 456. 463. 466, 468

Threshold : bridal sacrifice on, Palestine, 290

Throat diseases : cure for, Panjab,


Thrym, king of the giants, 71

Thunder : (see also Thor) ; caused by fetish, Congo, 454, or Thor's chariot, Sweden, 76-7 ; god of, Garos, 261 ; horse of Apollo, 66 ; thunder god also sun god, 60-78

Thunderbolts : Brazil, 60 ; Greece, 60 ; Japan, 60 ; Surrey, 7 ; Sweden, 60, 77

Thunderstorms, see Storms

Thunor, see Thor

Thuringia, see Merseburg

Thursday : in charms, India, 321 ; in folk-medicine, India, 320 ; night for wedding, Bedu, 279 ; sacred, Sweden, 77

Tibet : horse tassel, 3 ; rings, 266

Tiger : (see also Wer-beasts) ; as- sociated with bongas, India, 125 ; in dreams, Assam, 312 ; parts as amulets, Ceylon, 161, India, 268; victim reincarnated as, Assam, 262

Time in magic and religion, 524 Tipperary, see Cahir ; Lough bo

Girr Tirmicbrain : ghost, 344 ; meaning,

184 Tobacco : in charm, India, 330 Toberatasha : meaning, 184, 343 Tobereevul : meaning, 185-6 Tobersheefra : meaning, 184, 195 Toes : in charms, India, 84, 314 ;

in folk-tales, Africa, 256-7 ; not

moved by girls, Palestine, 283 ;

moving shows that marriageable,

Palestine, 283 Togo : Schonharl's Volkskund-

liches aus Togo reviewed, 258-

60 'Toh Kramat Kamarong, 154 Tola, legend of, 185 Tomgraney : meaning, 186 Tonga : father's sister, 42-3, 58 Tooth, see Teeth Toothache : amulet against, Yorks,

227 ; cures for, India, 85, 332-3 Torres islands : marriage customs,

50. 54

Torres Straits : (see also Mabuiag island ; Murray island) ; danger- ous to tell names, 156

Torshalla : seal, 76

Tortoise : in folk-tales, Africa, 200- I, 212-4, 260

Totemism : British Isles, 30 ; British New Guinea, 532-4 ; Frazer's Totemism and Exogamy reviewed, 389-96

Touching to cure diseases and bites, Panjab, 313-4, 505-6

Toys : Russia, 4

Transmigration beliefs : Assam, 262 ; Wales, 118

Trapani : cult of executed crimi- nals, 170

Traps : in divination, Congo, 459- 60

Treasure legends : Clare, 184, 344 ; Wales, 118, 120

Treasurer, election of, 6

Trees in folklore : (see also Ash- tree ; Baobab-tree ; Bayberry ; Bay-tree ; Birch-tree ; Breadfruit- tree ; Coco-nut palm ; DharSk- tree ; Dorowa-tree ; Hawthorn- tree ; Holly-tree; Lembanzau- tree ; Mountain ash ; Nim-tree ; Oak-tree ; Palm-tree ; Plane-tree ; Poplar-tree ; 5a»nd/M-tree ; Syca-