Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 21, 1910.djvu/629

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Members. xi

1899. American Geographical Society, New Yorli, per B. F. Stevens &

Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, S.W. 1891. Amsterdam, The University Library of, per Kirberger & Kesper,

Booksellers, Amsterdam.

1879. Antiquaries, The Society of, Burlington House, W.

1905. Asiatic Society of Bengal, 57 Park Street, Calcutta, per B. Quaritch,

II Grafton St., W.

1881. Berlin Royal Library, per Asher & Co., 13 Bedford St., Covent

Garden, W.C.

1880. Bibliothfeque Nationale, Paris, per Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Orange

St., W.C. 1884. Birmingham Free Library, Ratcliffe Place, Birmingham, per A. Capel Shaw, Esq.

1882. Birmingham Library, c/o The Treasurer, Margaret St., Birmingham.

1908. Bishopsgate Institute, Bishopsgate St. Without, E.C., per C. W. F.

Goss, Esq., Librarian. 1899. Bordeaux University Library, per A. Schulz, 3 Place de la Sorbonne,

Paris. 1878. Boston Athenaeum, Boston, U.S.A., per Kegan Paul & Co., 43 Gerrard

St., W.C.

1881. Boston Public Library, Mass., U.S.A., per G. E. Stechert & Co.,

2 Star Yard, Carey St., W.C.

1906. Boysen, C, Hamburg, per Kegan Paul & Co., 43 Gerrard St., W.C.

1902. Bradford Free Public Library, Darley St., Bradford, per Butler

Wood, Esq. 1894. Brighton Free Library, per H. D. Roberts, Esq., Chief Librarian,

Brighton. 1906. Bristol Central Library, per E. R. Norris Mathews, Esq., F.R.

Hist. Soc.

1909. Brooklyn Public Library, per G. E. Stechert & Co., 2 Star Yard,

Carey St., W.C.

1905. California State Library, Sacramento, California, per B. F. Stevens &

Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C. 1908. California, University of, Berkeley, Cal., U.S.A., per G. E. Stechert

& Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey St., W.C.

1903. Cambridge Free Library, per W. A. Fenton, Esq. 1898. Cardiff Free Libraries, per J. Ballinger, Esq.

1898. Carnegie Free Library, Alleghany, Pa., U.S.A., per G. E. Stechert

& Co., 2 Star Yard, Carey St., W.C. (2) 1904. Carnegie Library, Pittsburg, per G. E. Stechert & Co., 2 Star Yard,

Carey St., W.C. 1898. Chelsea Public Library, Manresa Road, S.W., per J. H. Quinn, Esq. 1890. Chicago Public Library, Illinois, U.S.A., per B. F. Stevens & Brown,

4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.