Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/501

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Collectanea. 465

when Auta was given (his share of the) property he refused, and said the boot and stick would content him. Then (his) mother came and begun to swear at Auta.^^ when she had sworn at him, he (nevertheless) said he would not take (anything). When he got tired of the swearing, he went off (into) the forest. When he had taken the road, he met with a certain person who had collected wood and had lit (it). He (certain person) said, — "O Youth, where are you going?" He (Auta) said, — "What has that to do with you ? " (Where is your business ?) So he passed on and came upon a hunter, who said, — " O Youth, will you not give me your stick?" He took the stick, and gave him (it). Then he (hunter) saw a bird on high, and threw up the stick. And the stick stuck on high (in the branches), so he took the bird and gave the boy (it). The boy then went and came upon a certain person who had lit a fire, (but) had nathing to cook. He (certain person) said, — " O Youth, will you not give me the bird that I may cook (it) ? " Now, when he had given him (it), he (certain person) cooked and ate (it). Then he took ashes and wrapped (them up) for him in his (Auta's) coat. So the boy went and came upon a certain woman. She was making porridge, but had no ash to put in it.^^ She said, — "O Youth, will you not give me the ash?" He gave her (it). She took a broken piece of calabash, ^o and gave the boy. Then he went, and came upon some people digging (diggers) on a farm, and they said, — " O Youth, will you not give us your porridge that we may eat ? " So he took (it), and gave them (it). So they ate. Then they took a hoe, and gave him. So he went and came upon a blacksmith, who had made a great fire (piled up a fire) with bellows, (but) had no iron for (forging). So he said, — " O Youth, will you not give me the hoe that I may make knives ? " So he (Auta) took (it) and gave him, and the blacksmith made knives. When he had made (them), he gave

^*The distribution is not on Muhammedan lines, as, if it had been, the mother would have benefitted by the son's refusal. It seems to resemble more the Hindu system, in which a mother takes part of the son's share.

^^ Many natives use ash (of guinea-corn or atcha) instead of [salt, when the latter is unobtainable.

"^^ Evidently full of tuo. The tiio is a sort of porridge, but may have meat in it. It is mostly eaten in the evening.
