Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/574

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Centipede : in folk-tale, Hausas,

345 Central America, see Panama Cepheus, 285 Ceylon : (see also Veddas) ; demon-

ology, 125 ; folk-tales, 123-5, ^97 !

marriage customs, 125 Chada bird : in folk-tale, Hausas,

463 Chalk-pit repels thunder, Hants,

304 Chamberlain, A. F. : The Beaver

and " Foundation Sacrifice,"

235 Chameleon : in folk-tale, E. Africa,

259 Chan6 Indians, 519-20 Changelings : Silesia, 248 Chapbooks : England, 400, 508 ;

France, 508 Chapping, charm against, Morocco,

148 Charcoal : at sacrifices, Morocco,

142-3 Charity, see Almsgiving Charlton : Horn Fair, 300-1 Charms and spells : (see also Amu- lets and talismans) ; against : ague. Lines, 24 ; animal diseases, Antrim, 274, Clare, 339, Morocco, 149 ; barrenness, Morocco, 152 ; chapping, Mor- occo, 148 ; cough, Clare, 455 ; east wind, Morocco, 149, 151 ; evil eye, India, 76 ; evil spirits, Morocco, 148-9, 151 ; fairies, Clare, 59 ; giddiness, Morocco, 151 ; headache, Clare, 56-7, Morocco, 149-50 ; indigestion, Morocco, 133, 148 ; insects, Clare, 339 ; larvae, Morocco, 150; nettle stings, Clare, 456; rain, Manipur, 348-50, Oregon, 398 ; rheumatism, Clare, 339 ; shrew-mouse, Hants, 303 ; snake, Morocco, 151 ; sneezing, Oregon, 398 ; stumbling, Mor- occo, 148; "taking butter," Clare, 340 ; throat diseases, Clare, 57; thrush, Glos., 238; thunder, Morocco, 150; tooth- ache, 28, Clare, 57-8, Germany, 112 ; warts, Clare, 57, Glos., 238 ; whooping cough, Clare, 57 ; wounds, Clare, 456 ; bat's egg used, Clare, 452 ; for beard, Morocco, 150 ; for capa-

city to learn, Morocco, 151 ; at childbirth, Clare, 57-8 ; China, 265 ; to find drowned person, Clare, 60 ; for good writing, Morocco, 151 ; for marriage, Bretagne, 514, Clare, 53 ; at new moon, Oregon, 398 ; for rain, Morocco, 151 ; Switzer- land, 116; to 'take butter,' Clare, 339-40 ; for wealth, Mor- occo, 148 ; wishing charms, Clare, 54, Hants, 308

Chelhas : folk-tale, 190

Cheriton : church not oriented, 307 ; earthwork, 307 ; tradition of battle, 312

Cherry Fair, Glos., 236-7

Cheshire : ash-plants as whips, 18-9

Chesterfield : unlucky to meet v%-oman, 241

Chettis, Malabar, 524-5

Chihli, see Ning-Ching ; Yung- Ping-Fu

Childbirth customs and beliefs, see Birth customs and beliefs

Chilbolton : wafers, 324

Children, see Baptism ; Birth cus- toms and beliefs ; Circumcision ; Games ; Medical folklore

Chili-tree : in folk-tale, 194

Chilpancingo : amulet from, 130

China : (see also Black Miao ; Chihli ; Shantung ; Tibet) ; Mac- gowan's Chinese Folk-Lore and Chinese Folk-Lore Tales re- viewed, 263, 265 ; Chinese Tree- Worship and Trial by Ordeal, by A. R. Wright, 233-4 (plate) ; Johnston's Lion and Dragon in Northern China reviewed, 263-5 '> marriage customs, 84-5, 364-5

Chiriguano Indians, 519-20

Chorate Indians, 519

Chretientis Celtiqiies, Les, by L. Gougaud, reviewed, 380-2

Christchurch : church etc. site changed, 311

Christmas Day : Cadnam oak buds, 304 ; Rufus oak buds, 303

Christmas Eve (O.S.) : cattle kneel, Hants, 315 ; no lightning, Hants, 315

Christmastide : (see also Christmas Day ; Christmas Eve ; Mum- mers) ; carols, 17, Hants, 328,