Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/585

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caves, 179; masquerade,

Hdha: 176

Haidas : naming, 287

Hair : charm to get, Morocco, 150 ; red, omen from, Clare, 204 ; rubbed with henna, Great Feast, Morocco, 133 ; smoke expels evil, Morocco, 145

Half-beings in African folklore, 256-7, 518

Hallowe'en : customs, Clare, 204-6, Perthshire, 330; divination, Clare, 204-5

Hampshire : {see also under place- names) ; Hampshire Folklore, by D. H. Moutray Read, 129, 292-


Hand : dead, to bring butter, Ire- land, 340 ; omens from, Clare, 204

Handwriting : charm for, Morocco,


Hannington : May Day, 297, 299 ; shroving, 323

Hanwood : virgins' garlands, 496

Hare : eats human flesh, Clare, 449; in folk-tales, Africa, 260-1, Assam, 521; "hare," Aberdeen, I ; omens from, Clare, 204, 449, India, 74, Persia, 270 ; witch as, Clare, 449, Hants, 314, Limerick, 340

Harewood Forest : sores from herb, 305

Harting : Whit Monday custom, 299

Hartland, E. S. : " Totemism and Exogamy," 362-74 ; reviews by, — S^billot's Bretagne Pittoresque et Legendaire, 513-5 ; Tor- day's Les Bushongo, 386-91 ; van Gennep's La Formation des Ligendes, 105-8 ; Sdbillot's Les Joyeuses Histoires de Bretagne, 109-10 ; van Gennep's Religions Mceurs et Ldgendes (3"^ S.), 506- 9 ; Wheeler's The Tribe and In- tertribal Relations in Australia, 526-8; Theal's The Yellow and Dark-Skinned People of Africa South of the Zatnbesi, 117-23 Harvest customs and beliefs : (sec also Corn spirits, vegetation souls, and the like ; Firstfruits) ; ass as servant of h. gods, /Egean, 200; gleaning bell, GIos., 237; harvest home, Hants, 326-7 ;

husking customs, Iroquois, 272 ; rice, Assam, 521 ; sheaf as offer- ing, Clare, 58 ; song, Hants, 327 ; threshers' song, Hesse, 113; tug-of-vvar, Morocco, 159

Haunted houses : Hants, 316-9

Hausas : dances, 343 ; folk-tales, 60-73, 218-28, 272, 341-8, 457-73

Haute Savoie : customs, 508 ; folk- songs, 508

Hawk : in folk-tales, Hausas, 224- 5. 462

Hawkley : ghost, 316 ; isolation, 294

Hawthorn-tree : bark as tooth- ache cure, Clare, 58 ; preserves from lightning, Staffs., 24-5 ; rag offerings, Clare, 213, Somerset, 496

Hay, see Grass and hay

Hazel-tree : twig as amulet, Clare, 53, in charm, Clare, 341, and in spell, Clare, 58 ; in Whit Mon- day custom, Sussex, 299

Head : of sacrifice at Great Feast, Morocco, 146

Headache : charms against, Clare, 56-7, Morocco, 149-50

Head-measuring as charm, Clare,

57 Heanley, R. M. : Burning Elder- wood, 235-6 Heanor : virgins' garlands, 496 Heart : amulets in shape of, Corn- wall, 3, Devon, 3, Naples, 3, Persia, 3, Suffolk, 3 ; in magic, Devon, 3 ; divination from, Mor- occo, 155 ; at Great Feast, Mor- occo, 146, 155 Hearth-right tenures ; Hants, 295-6 Hedgehog : steals apples, Clare,

453 ; sucks cows etc., Clare, 453 Hekataios of Miletos, 283 Helios : heals eye diseases, iii Hellenes, see Greek folklore Hemp-dressing : Grison, 115 Hen, see Fowls

Henna : in charm, Morocco, 149 ; at Great Feast, Morocco, 132-4, 141-2 Hephaistos, 280

Hera : at Argos, 280 ; birth of Hephaistos, 280 ; H. Boopis, 200 ; in cult titles, 280 Heracles : cult title, 280 ; in folk- tales, 106 ; at Thespiai, 281 Hereford : kern baby, i