Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 22, 1911.djvu/93

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Collectanea. 67

went off (with it). The three days became (she made) three months. Then the Dove's relatives said, — "You, Dove, if you do not follow the Sheda and get your beak, you will die. You are not able to eat food." So she said, — "Very well." So she started. When she had started, she went to a certain town and perched on a tree. Then she said, — " You people of this town, where is the house of the Kajerini, son of the King of birds ? The Sheda borrowed my beak. Instead of (from) three days (she has kept it) three months." And she said, — " I cannot eat food with her beak. If I go to eat food, I fall down stumbling. I arise with my head crooked " (with a long beak). Then the people of the town said, — "Ah, (he) is not here. You must go on further to meet him" (them). When she had started, (she came) straight to the house of the Kajerini, and she perched on the tree (under) which they were pounding (grain). Then she said, — " You people of this town, where is the house of the Kajerini, son of the King of birds? The Sheda borrowed my beak. Instead of (from) three days (she has kept it) three months." And she said, — " I cannot eat food with her beak. If I go to eat food, I fall down stumbling. I arise with my head crooked." Then they said, — " Let us leave off pounding and listen to this sweet singing bird." But the Sheda said, — "No, get to work, get to work. Do not listen." Then again she (Dove) spoke and said, — "You people of this town, where is the house of the Kajerini, son of the King of birds? The Sheda borrowed my beak. Instead of (from) three days (she has kept it) three months." And she said, — " I cannot eat food with her beak. If I go to eat food, I fall down stumbling. I arise with my head crooked." Nothing but silence. When they had heard, they said, — " Ah, look, here is the Sheda." But she, the Sheda, got up, and went inside the house. Then they said, — " Follow her." So the Dove followed her, and said, " Come, Sheda, give me my beak. I gave you a loan (for) three days, (and) you have kept (it) for (until) three months." So she {Sheda) took the beak and gave her (it), and she (Dove) took her beak and adjusted (it). The Dove came out and flew away. Then the Sheda remained (was) in the room, and got inside the space under the bed. Her beak stuck against the wall. Then the Kajerini entered the room, and said, — "Where is the