Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 23, 1912.djvu/553

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British Guiana, see Macusi

Brittany, see Bretagne

Broadford: fort, 205

Broadwood, Miss L. E.: review by,—Grolimund's Volkslieder aus dem Kauton Aargau, 128-32

Brockworth: cheese-rolling, 452-3

Broom: in rite, Diwali, India, 425

Buchan: bonfires, Oct. 31, 419-20

Buckinghamshire: folk-medicine, 62

Buddhism: cow sanctity, 292, 303, 305; footprints, 253; name of Buddha in charms, Japan, 185-6, 192; relics, 253; sacred rats, 269, tree, 253

Budu: python worshipped, 137

Buffalo: eaten ceremonially, India, 296; milk tabooed, Assam, 287; sacrificed, eaten, India, 299; tabooed, India, 284-5

Bulgaria: folk-tale, 489

Bull: buried, India, 284; deities as, Babylonia, 276, Crete, 277, Egypt, 276, Hittites, 277, India, 284, 306, Palestine, 277, S. Arabia, 277; hide, in Hogmanay custom, Gaels, 501; king bull, India, 284; red, in charms, Vedas, 291; sacred, India, 284; sacrificed, Kafirs, 296; as totem, India, 498; worshipped, India, 278

Bull-frog, see Frog

Bullroarer: Congo, 461-2

"Bundle of Matches"" game, Glos., 201, 445

Burghead: fire custom, 424

Burghill: ghost, 384

Burial customs and beliefs, see Death and funeral customs and beliefs

Buried treasure, see Treasure

Burma: cows not killed, 278-9; metempsychosis, 293; milk disliked, 288; thunderbolts, 75

Burne, Miss C. S.: Guy Fawkes' Day, 145, 409-26; review by,—Leather's The Folk-Lore of Herefordshire, 383-6

Burning, see Fire

Bushmen: Aurignacian, 121; dog-bite cure, 229; Bleek and Lloyd's Specimens of Bushman Folklore reviewed, 257-61

Butter: ghi not offered, Bali, 288, tabooed, Punjab, 287; little used, China, 289; tabooed, Kashmir, 283

Butterfly: soul as, Celts, 125

Cakes: Easter, Glos., 444; Hallowmass, England and Wales, 420; Kent, 354

Calendar Customs of the British Isles, 10, 16-7

Calendar folklore, see Days and Seasons

Calf: red, in atonement rite, 278; scapegoat, Badagas, 140

Cambridgeshire: amulet, 349-50

Camp: town removal, 337

Camps, see Earthworks

Canada, see Copper Indians; Hudson Bay Indians; Ontario; Quebec

Cancer, cure for, 493

Candle: in death customs, Assam, 465, Gaels, 500; at marriage, Greeks, 83, 85; omen from, Kent, 354

Candlemas Day: fair, Glos., 443

Candlestick: in riddle, Armenians,

Canopus: rites to, Bushmen, 260

Cantabria: omen, 70

Canziani, Miss E.: exhibits by, 3, 6, 8, 146; Courtship, Marriage, and Folk-Belief in Val d'Ossola (Piedmont), 457-60 Scraps of English Folklore, 354

Cappadocia: forty as place-name, 218; Greek marriage, 81-8 (pl.)

Cappaghkennedy: basin stone, 93

Carduus Benedictus: as amulet, 234

Carling Sunday: peas eaten, 444

Carmarthenshire Jaundice Cure, by T. Lewis, 481-2

Carnelly: altar, 92

Carnival: Ireland, Oct. 31, 420-2; Piedmont, 460; Viza, 21

Carpenter: Cochin, 265; in folk-tale, 486-7

Carran: killeens, 210; tale, 206

Carrigaholt: killeen, 210

Carrot, wild: in folk-medicine, 491

Cash Account, 12

Cashel: geasa and buadha, 213-4

Caste: India, 284

Castes and Tribes of Southern India, by E. Thurston, reviewed, 140-1