Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/110

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94 Collectanea.

L' ultim ai resta le griimele. Woman's heart is like a lemon. They give a slice to everyone. The last gets the seeds.

8. Chi a I'a pasienssa cun el fil A I'a pasienssa cun el mari. Who has patience with the thread Has patience with the husband.

9. Dua a r e sciir

Le donhe a sun tiite cumpagne. \Vhere it is dark Women are all the same.

10. Ne fumma ne teila

Van nen guarda al ceir 'd la candela.

Neither woman nor cloth

Is to be looked at by candle light.

11. Le dohne quasi tilte

Per fesse bele as fan briite.

Nearly all women

To be beautiful make themselves ugly.

12. El diavul a fa la turta

E le donhe an lu fan mange.

The Devil makes the cake

And the women cause it to Jje eaten.

13. La donha a 1' e cum la castagna,

D' fora a I'e bela e dentra a 1' a la magagna. \Vomen are like chestnuts, Beautiful outside, bad inside.

14. Le dohne a la san pi lunga del diavul. Women know more than the devil.

15. Le dohne sun segrete cum el trun. Women are as secret as the thunder.

16. Le dohne van sempre a j'ecess. Women go always to extremes.