Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/19

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The Council have pleasure in reporting that during the year twenty-two new members have joined the Society, and that two libraries have been added to the roll of subscribers.

There are, however, many well known libraries both in this country and on the Continent which have never yet subscribed to the Society, and the Council venture to hope that in view of the increasing interest in folklore and the wide range of matters dealt with in the journal and other publications of the Society some at least of these may be enrolled during the current year.

On the other hand they have to record the unprecedented number of seven deaths, while there have been fifteen resignations, and five libraries or other institutions have withdrawn their subscriptions. The list of members and subscribers has been carefully revised, and the total number now stands at 424.

Among those of whom the Society has been deprived by death are Mr. Andrew Lang, who became a member when the Society was formed in the year 1878, and Mr. V. F. Kirby and Mr. W. Ker, who had been members for upwards of twenty-seven and twenty-two years respectively. Tributes to the memory of Mr. Andrew Lang have already appeared in the pages of Folk-Lore ; and the votes of condolence with Mrs. Lang and the family of Mr. W. F. Kirby which were passed at the meeting of the Society held in December have been recorded in the minutes and will be printed in due course.

Meetings of the Society have been held as follows : —

17th January, 1912. "The Ceremonial Customs of the British Gipsies." Mr. T. W. Thompson.

12th February. (Annual Meeting.) Presidential Address : "The Scientific Aspect of Folklore." Mr. W. Crooke.