Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/574

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536 Reviews.

built by an European firm in Calcutta, and we are therefore not surprised to hear of a suggestion that the temple of Jagannath should be furnished with electric light. The old god is clearly very much alive, and determined to keep his concern up to date !

W. Crooke.

Short Bibliographical Notices.

Mannin. a Journal of Matters Past and Present relating to Mann. Nos. 1-2. Douglas: S. K. Broadbent & Co., 1913. 111. 2S. 2>^.p.a. All folklorists with pleasant memories of delightful Alan, and all who wish to aid the collection of fast-vanishing British folklore, should subscribe to this admirable journal, the first numbers of which include charms, old Manx airs, folk-songs, and other folklore.

The Jataka, or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births. Index Volume. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 19 13. Svo, pp. 63. 5s. n.

Many large collections of tales lose much of their usefulness because they have no index, or, like Burton's Arabian Nights, an index which does little more than ring the changes on story titles which often give no suggestion of the tale itself. The six volumes of the splendid Cambridge translation of the Jataka are made enormously more valuable by this index volume. It appears to satisfy most ordinary requirements, and all storyologists should be deeply grateful for this excellent example of the work of that ill-requited, and often unthanked, benefactor, the indexer.

Books for Review should be addressed to

The Editor of Folk-Lore,

c/o Messrs. Sidgwick & Jackson,

3 Adam St., Adelphi, London, W.C.