55^ 57
355 ; S. Anicr. Indians,
Giants : in tales, Clare, 104-5 Gilyaks and their songs, The, by
B. Pilsudski, 477-90 Gipsies : The Ceremonial Customs of the British Ciipsies, by T. W. Tliompson, 7, 314-56 ; death customs, Herefordshire, 239 Giraffe : in tale, Pokomo, 475 Girdles : for married women only,
Pokomo, 466 Girdling a church, see Church
clipping Girls : {see also Initiatory cere- monies) ; names of, S. Amcr. Indians, 46 Giryama, 460
Glamorgan : hiring fairs, 107 Glasgeivnagh, tale of, 100-3 Glastonbury : incense and bells,
17 Gleaning customs : Ontario, 225 Gloucestershire, see Cooper's Hill ;
Haresfield Goat : in proverb. Piedmont, 96 ;
in witch tale. Piedmont, 363 Gods and goddesses, see Deities Goitre : cure for, 0.\on, 88 Gold ; for divination, Manipur,
437 ; divine origin of, Manipur,
425 ; as offering, Manipur, 430,
437. 439-41. 444 Gomme, L. : Rules Concerning
Perilous Days, 121-3 Good Friday : fishing unlucky,
Devon, 237 ; rhyme, Warwick-
sh., 239 ; rites, Oxon and
Surrey, 34 Goose : perilous days for eating,
122 ; in proverb. Piedmont, 95 ;
in rhyme, Warwicksh., 239 ;
sacrificed, Manipur, 433 Gorleston : gipsy burial, 343 Gotham type of folk-tales, 359, 510 Granada : amulets, 64, 69-70 Grantham : gipsies, 336 Grass : in charm, Pokomo, 467 ;
on corpse, gipsies, 345-6 ; in
divination, Oxon, 80-1 ; sacred,
E. Africa, 467 Graves : in houses, S. Amer.
Indians, 54 ; rock tombs, Malta,
263 Great Bear const. : weather sign,
Ontario, 220 Great Plateau of Norlherv Rhodesia,
The bv C. Gouldsbiiry and H. Sheane, reviewed, 264-5, 267-1*
Greek islands, see Crete
Greeks : {-iee also Argos , Eleusis : Greek islands ; Olympia ; Pm- dus ; Thessaly) ; and PIkv- nicians, 26 ; birth customs, 128 ; Charos, 247 ; drama, 35, 140. 392; fall of ancient gods, 141 omens, 247 ; sieve stops Kalli- kantzaros, 127; survivals, 30; vampires, 30-1 ; witches stop to count leaves, 127
Groves see Trees
Guardian spirits : British Co- lumbia, 131
Guernsey : animal names, 165 ; calendar customs, 117
Guildford : Good Friday rites, 34
Gum dragon : as love philtre, 120
Guy Fawkes' Day : bonfire, Oxon, 85 ; Cambs., 236 ; Devon, 237 ; rhyn^es, Oxon, 85 ; tar barrel, Monmouthsh., 109
Gwano, 457
Hades : Adiri, Kiwai Papuans, 290-5, 309-10; Mlvvo, Ciilvaks, 488 '
Hag's Head, 99, 98
Haidas : hostile phratries, 159
Hair : {see also Shaving) ; amu- lets to preserve, Spain, 66 ; burnt, Ontario, 227 ; not combed in mourning, Gilyaks, 487 ; cutting, Ontario, 220, ceremonial, Scandinavia, 260 ; in dreams, Quebec, 361 ; dress- ing, E. Africa, 280 ; removed from body, S. Amer. Indians, 45 ; in symbolic human sacri- fice, Manipur, 442-3 ; taken for ornamentation, Borneo, 276 ; women swear on, Scandinavia, 260
Halliday, W. R. : Cretan Folk- lore Notes, 357-9 {plate) ; re- views by, 126-8, 137-43
Hampshire, see Isle of Wight
Hampton Lucy : loo-belling. 241
Hand : as amulet, Africa. 65, Portugal, 65, Spain. 64-6 : covered in ceremonials, 140-1 ; as symbol, 532
Handbook of Folklore, 10
Handlwrough, see Long Hand- borough