Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/600

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Padimelon : totem, Aus., 176 Pagan Tribes of Borneo, The, by

C. Hose and W. IM'Dougall,

reviewed, 273-7 Paintings : body, S. Amer.

Indians, 48 ; cave, 38 ; wall,

Roman, 140 Pakhangba, deity, 413, 422-4, 443,

523 Palestine : {see also Adada ;

Neapolis) ; survivals, 30 Palm-rat : in tale, Pokomo, 475 Palm Sunday : ' palms ' used as

incense, Cyprus, 358 Palm-tree : [see also Coco palm ;

Date palm ; Dum palm ; Sago

palm) ; venerated, S. Amer.

Indians, 57 Panam Ningthau, deity, 433-4 Pan leaves : in rites, Manipur,

430, 440, 452 Pandora's box, 390 Panjab : Devi cult, 271 Panpipes : S. Amer. Indians, 50 Panther : as badge, Dacotas, 174 Panthoibi, deity, 413, 424, 426-7,

432-3 Pantygassy : good spirit, 108 Papers read before Foik-Lore

Society, 2-3, 7-8, 153-4, 281-2 Paradise : S. Amer. Indians,

53-4 Parker, A. : Oxfordshire Village

Folklore (1840-1900), 74-91 Parrot : in tales, S. Amer., 58 ;

totems, Melanesia, 181 Parsley : not transplanted, War-

wicksh. etc., 240 Parsnip Day : Wales, 513 Partridge, J. B. : Cotswold Place- Lore and Customs, 8 ; fairs, 107 ; Scraps of English Folk- lore, 237-8 Passion plays : Savoy, 132 Pathans : rain-stopping, 231 Peacock : feathers for god's litter,

Manipur, 432 {plate) Peccary : in tales, S. Amer., 58 Peel towers, Clare, 377 Peists, 104, 206 Pelican : in song, Kiwai Papuans,

292, 294 Pembroke : hiring fair, 107 Pembrokeshire : hiring fairs, 107 Pennas, Manipur, 431 {plate) Penybont : hiring fair, 107 Peony : in saying, Breconsh., 510

Perch : amulet fiom, Brit., 70 ;

as personal name, Kurnai, 170 Perry, W. J. : reviews by, 273-7,

404-6 Perseus and Andromeda type of

folk-tales, 263 Persia ; blessing and cursing, 247 ;

Georgian epic derived from,

403-4 ; tales, 32 Phallicism, 37, 64, 228-9 Phaneromeni ; bogey, 359 Phau-woibi, rice goddess, 426,

445-8 Phayeng : divine ancestor, 444 ; sacrifice, 444 ; sky god, 424,


Phoenicians : influence on Greece, 26

Phunga Lairu, household god, 444

Piano di St. Martino ; tale, 364

Picture : omen from fall, Ontario, 222

Piedmontese Folklore, by E. Canziani, 213-8, 362-4

Piedmontese Proverbs in Dispraise of Woman, by E. Canziani, 91-6

Pig : {see also Wild boar) ; Black, and pagan meeting places, Ire- land, 370 ; killed in new moon, Ontario, 220 ; in nursery rhymes, Oxon, 78 ; sacrificed, Manipur. 423, 427-8, 433, 436, 438, 441 ; in song, Kiwai Papuans, 300 ; as symbol, 532 ; in tale, Pokomo, 475 ; totem, Melanesia, 181

Pigeon : feathers hinder death, Oxon, 88 ; as nickname, France, 165 ; in rhyme, Warwicksh., 239 ; white, sacrificed, Manipur,


Pilgrimage : Manipur, 418 ; routes. Savoy, 132

Pillerton : folk-medicine, 241

Pilsudski, B. : The Gilyaks and their Songs, 477-90

Pin : lucky to pick up, Ontario, 226

Pindus :, divination, 358

Pineapple : dance, S. Amer. Indian, 51

Pinerolo : tale, 218

Piscina : in proverb, 95

Pitre's Collection of Sicilian Folk- lore, The Completion of Prof., by E. S. Hartland, 245-6, 282

Place-Kames of Oxfordshire, The,