Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/602

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Kanipsinitus and the King's Treasury, 32

Rat : charm against, Ontario, ^27 ; tabooed, Pokomo, ^58 ; totem, Aus., 184

Rathblamaic : saint, 208

Raven : clan name. Crow Ind., 175 ; dedicated. Scan., 262

Read. D. H. Moutray : exhibit, 8

Red : in amulets, Portugal, 65, Spain, 65 ; cloth and thread as symbols, Baluchistan, 228 ; courtship gifts, gipsies, 333

Red ochre : totem, Aus., 171, 184

Reincarnation beliefs : as animals, Awemba, 269; Hinduism, 521

Reindeer : horns in dance. Abbot's Bromley, 133

Relationship : Aus., 408 ; terms, Gilyaks, 489, gipsies, 323, S. Amer. Indians, 46-7

Religion : defined, 124 ; Durk- heim's Les Formes £lementaires de la Vie Religieuse reviewed, 525-31 ; as outgrowth of social

— environment, 32-3 ; Leuba's A Psychological Study of Re- ligion reviewed, 124-6 ; savage, -:- not definable in formulae, 22-3

Religion of Manipur, The, by J. Shakespear, 281, 409-55 [plates),

518-23 Religions Moeiirs et ■ Legendes,

Series ii and iv, by A. van

Gennep, reviewed, 128-32 Reports of Brand Committee,

1 1 1-9, 382 ; of Council, 7-13 Reptiles, see Crocodile ; Frog ;

Lizard ; Toad ; Tortoise Reviews, 124-52, 252-80, 386-408,

525-36 Rheumatism : cure for, S. Amer.,

60 Rhodesia : Gouldsbury and

Sheane's The Great Plateau of

Northern Rhodesia reviewed,

264-5, 267-9 Rhymes : {see also Folk-songs ;

Nursery rhymes) ; Breconsh.,

508-12 ; Cambs., 234 ; Here-

fordsh., 238 ; in Kiwai poetry,

309-10 ; Oxon, 81-2, 85, 87-90 ;

Warwicksh., 239-40 Rice : in rites, Manipur, 430-1,

4.35-6. 440. 444. 447 ; spirit of,

Manipur, 426, 445-8 Rickets : cure for, Clare, 207

Riddles : Gilyaks, 478 ; S. Amer. Indians, 52

Riding the stang : Warwicksh., 240-1

Right : hand in amulets, Spain, 65

Ring, iron : as symbol, Baluchi- stan, 228

Rings, finger : opal unlucky, Oxon, 90 ; rush, for marriage, gipsies and Wales, 337 ; in tclles, Clare, 104

Rip van Winkle type of folk-tales,

515 Ritual : relation of myth to, 23-4 Rivers and streams : (see also

under names) ; gods enticed

from, Manipur, 428 ; gods of,

Manipur, 430 Rivers, W. H. R. : The Socio- logical Significance of Myth, 8 Robin : not killed, Oxon, 89 Rocks, see Stones and rocks Rock tombs, Malta, 263 Romance of Melusine, The, by

E. S. Hartland, 187-200, 282 Romans, ancient : amulets, 68 ;

wall paintings, 140 Roots, see Mandrake ; ^Manioc ;

Orris root ; Yam Rose : in tale, Breconsh., 512 Rose, E. H. : Quebec Folklore

Notes, iii, 360-2 - Rose, H. J. : Charon-Charos, 247 ;

Ontario Beliefs, 219-27 ; Quebec

Folklore Notes, iii, 360-2 Ross : saints, 212 Rossington : gipsies, 351 Rough music, Oxon, 84-5 Rousset : romance of Melusine,

188 Rowlstone : charm for calving,

238 Royal Oak Day, see Shick-shack

Day Rua : birth customs, 213 Rue : as symbol, Baluchistan,

228 Rules Concerning Perilous Days,

by L. Gomme, 12 1-3 Rules of Folk-Lore Society, 11 Rush rings : in marriage, gipsies

etc., 337 Russia : {see also Courland ;

Georgia ; Ossetes ; Sakhalin ;

Ukraine ; Votiaks) ; folk-songs,

2 Ruthin : hiring fair 107