Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/612

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MEMBERS {corrected to March, 1913).

The letter c placed before a jueniber's name indicates that he or she has compounded.

1S84. Abercromby, The Hon. J., 62 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh {Vice- President).

1899. Amersbach, Professor K., 32 Ciliimer Strasse, Freiburg in Baden,

Germany. 1909. Anderson, R. H., Esq., 95 Ale.xandra Rd., N.W. 1894. Anichkov, Professor E., University of St. Vladimir, Kiev, Russia.

1889. Asher, S. G., Esq., 30 Berkeley Sq., W.

1906. Ashton-Rigby, Miss L. E., Beverley Lodge, Leamington. 1893. Aston, G. F., Esq., 2 Templeton Place, Earl's Court, S.W. 1880. Avebury, Rt. Hon. Lord, P.C., O.M., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., etc., High Elms, Orpington, Kent (Vice-President).

1900. Baker, Judge Frank T., 3543 Lake Avenue, Chica'go, 111., U.S.A.

1912. Balfour, Henry, Esq., Langley Lodge, Headington Hill, Oxford.

1913. Balleine, A. E., Esq., Craven House, Northumberland Avenue, W.C. 1903. Banks, Mrs Mary M., 7 Wadham Gardens, N.W.

1913. Barber, Eric .\., Esq., Merton College, 0.\ford.

1905. Barry, Miss Fanny, Highfield, Haddenham, Bucks.

1885. Basset, Mons. Ren6, Villa Louise, Rue Deufert Rochereau, Algiers.

1913. Bayley, Harold, Esq., 20 Alexandra Court, 171 Queen's Gate, S.W.

1913. Beazley, John .\., Esq., Christ Church, Oxford.

1912. Benson, Mrs., 5 Wellington Court, Knightsbridge, S.W.

1892. Billson, C. J., Esq., M.A., The Priory, Martyr Worthy, Winchester.

1906. Binney, E. H., Esq., M.A., 21 Staverton Rd., Oxford.

1902. Bishop, Gerald ^L, Esq., Shortlands, Wentworth Rd., Golders Green, N.W.

1912. Blackburne, Miss G. Ireland, S.Th., 14 Motcomb St., Belgrave

Square, S.W.

1913. Blackman, Miss, 24 St. John St., Oxford.

1890. Bolitho, T. R., Esq., per W. Cooper, Esq., Estate Office, Treng-

wainton, Hea Moor R.S.O., Cornwall. 1888. Bonaparte, Prince Roland, 10 .Avenue d'l^na, Paris.
