Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 24, 1913.djvu/618

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viii Member's.

1892. Olrik, Dr. Axel, 174 Gl. Kongevej, Copenhagen, Denmark, c. 1910. O'May, J., Esq., Kuala Kansar, via Taiping, Perak, Fed. Malaj

States. 1913. O'Reilly, Miss Gertrude M., 94 Lower Leeson St., Dublin. 1886. Ordish, T. Fairman, Esq., F.S..A., 2 Melrose Villa, Ballards Lane,

Finchley, N. 1890. Owen, Miss Mary A., 306 Xorth Ninth Street, St. Joseph's, Missouri,

U.S.A. {Hon. Member).

191 1. Partington, Mrs. Edge, The Kiln House, Greywell, Odihani.

191 1. Partridge, Miss J. B., Wellfield, Minchinhampton, Glos.

1892. Paton, W. R., Esq., Ph.D., Ker Anna, Pirros Guirce, C6tes-du-Xord, France (per Messrs. Burnett & Reid, 12 Golden Square, Aberdeen).

1910. Pendlebury, C, Esq., Arlington House, Brandenburg Road, Gunners- bury, W.

1899. Percy, Lord Algernon, Guy's Cliff, Warwick.

1907. Peter, Thurstan, Esq., Redruth.

1910. Petty, S. L., Esq., Dykelands, Ulverston, Lanes. 1894. Phipson, Miss, iok Hyde Park Mansions, N.W.

1889. Pineau, M. L6on, Rue Dolly, Chamalieres, Clermont Ferrand, Puy de

D6me, France. 1906. Pitman, Miss E. B., Humshaugh Vicarage, Northumberland. 1898. Pitts, J. Linwood, Esq., M.J.L, F.S.A., Curator, Guille-Allfes

Library, Guernsey.

1912. Pochin, Miss, The Manor House, Wigston, Leicester.

1889. Pocklington-Coltman, Mrs., Hagnaby Priory, Spilsby, Lincolnshire.

1912. Porter, Capt. W. F., Imphal, Manipur State, Assam (per T. Cook &

Son, Calcutta).

1905. Postel, Prof. Paul, Lemberg, Austria.

c. 1879. Power, D'Arcy, Esq., M.A., M.B., F.S.A., ioa Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W.

1906. Pritchard, L. J., Esq., Menai Lodge, Chiswick, W.

1906. Raleigh, Miss K. A., 8 Park Road, Uxbridge.

1909. Ramanathan, P., Esq., B..^., Man6nmani Velas, Chintadinpeh,

Madras, S.C. 1888. Reade, John, Esq., 340 Leval Avenue, Montreal, Canada.

1913. Rendall, Vernon, Esq., Athenamm Office, 11 Bream's Buildings.

Chancery Lane, W.C 1892. Reynolds, Llywarch, Esq., B.A., Old-Church Place, Merthyr-Tydfil. 1888. Rhys, Professor the Rt. Hon. Sir John, P.C., M.A., LL.D., F.B.A.,

F.S.A., Jesus College, Oxford (Vice-President). 1906. Richards, F. J., Esq., LC.S., United Service Club, Bangalore, c/o

Messrs. Binney & Co., Madras.

191 1. Richardson, Miss Ethel, B.A., Wyss Wood, Welcomes Road, Kenley^
