1909. Stephenson, R. H., Esq., St. Saviour's Road East, Leicester. 1897. Stow, Mrs., c/o Bakewell, Stow & Piper, Cowra Chambers, Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S. Australia.
1909. Sullivan, W. G., Esq., B.A., 1545 X. Meridian Street, Indianapolis,
Ind., U.S.A. 1878. Swainson, The Rev. C, 9 Shooter's Hill Road, BlacUheath, S.E.
1889. Tabor, C. J., Esq., The White House, Knotts Green, Leyton, Essex
(Hon. Auditor). 1885. Temple, Lieut.-Col. Sir R. C, Bart., C.I.E., F.R.G.S., The Nash,
1896. Thomas, N. W., Esq., M.A., Pine \'iew, Wreccleshall, Farnham. 1907. Thomas, P. G., Esq., Bedford College, Baker Street, W. [28 Den-
nington Park Road, West Hampstead, N.W.].
1912. Thompson, T. W'., Esq., The Graniniar School, Gainsborough, Lines. 191 1. Thompson, W. B., Esq., United University Club, Pall Mall East,
1913. Thorpe, Miss Maude V. A., Sand Drift, South Promenade, St.
1910. Thurnwald, Dr. R., Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen, German New Guinea. 1913. Thurston, Edgar, Esq., CLE., Cumberland Lodge, Kew, Surrey. 1913. Tocher, J. F., Esq., Crown Mansions, Union St., Aberdeen.
1910. Torday, E., Esq., 40 Lansdowne Crescent, W.
191 1. Torr, Miss Dora, Carlett Park, Eastham, Cheshire.
1897. Townshend, Mrs. R. B., 117 Banbury Road, Oxford. 1896. Traherne, L. E., Esq., Coedriglan Park, Cardiff.
1887. Travancore, H.H. The Maharajah of, Huzur, Cutcherry, Trivan-
drum, India. 1910. Tremearne, Major A. J. N., Tudor House, Blackheath Park, S.E.
1888. Turnbull, A. H., Esq., Elibank, Wellington, New Zealand, per
A. L. Elder & Co., 7 St. Helen's Place, E.G.
1878. Tylor, Professor Sir E. B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Linden, Welling-
ton, Somerset (Vice-President).
187S. Udal, His Honour J. S., The Manor House, Symondsbury, Bridport.
1899. Van Gennep, Professor A., 2 ruelle Dupeyron, Neuchatel (Suisse).
1912. Vansittart, Miss E. C, 31 Via Palestro, Rome, Italy.
1913. Walker, Charlton, Esq., B..'\., O.xford English Dictionary, Old
Ashmolean Buildings, Oxford.
1879. Walker, Dr. Robert, 7 East Terrace, Budleigh-Salterton, Devon. 1910. Webster, Prof. Hutton, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska,
U.S.A. 1910. Weeks, The Rev. J. H., 61 Lucien Rd., Tooting Common, S.W.