Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 25, 1914.djvu/131

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Collectanea. 1 1 9

crooha on one occasion was coming at a late hour from Dungarton, and was crossing by the pond called the Poll a fnhona when his horse suddenly got frightened and plunged, and Patsy also got terrible frightened, for he knew the Sluaigh used to meet there, and he seed a world of people there playing hurling, and they stopped and stared at him. His horse ran away, and jumped over the fence and away home with him as fast as ever he could run. The next morning the horse was a lather of sweat, — and so was Patsy, — and was quite stiff and could not move. The horse perished entirely, and the man did'nt get all right till he died, and people until this day are afraid to pass the pond at any late hour. One night, about 20 years ago, the Sluaigh was on the way to the Poll a mhona at about twelve o'clock in the night. And we couldn't sleep with them at all [in the glen], for they were passing the house and a big crowd along with them, and we could hear them talking all night. I am certain sure I heard a lot o' ray dead neighbours in the crowd, for I could hear them talking, and they often passed the same road (for the Poll a nihdna must be their playground), and were heard by a great number o' the glen people from time to time.

12. The Dead Funeral.

There was an old man as was seeing a funeral passing him during the night time, and he saw a foxy man among them who he knew to be a dead man, and he was the last of the lot. And he said to the foxy man, — "What brought ye here?" says he.

  • ' Mind ye'er own business, and dont be a minding o' me ! " says

the foxy man. And then the old man ran away, for he knew that he had seen the Sluaigh, and he nearly died with the fright.

13. The History of the Holy Well at Modelligo.

The well at Modelligo is supposed to be removed from the place where it was formerly to where it is now. It had used to be in Scart above Modelligo, in the land of a man called Mr. Healy, Well, there were a lot of people used to come to the well to be cured of bad eyes and any sort of blindness in the eyes, and Mr. Healy used to hear all the people that was cured at this well